Friday, May 10, 2013

Customer support ideas for the travel industry | Intxt

customer support in the travel industryThe provision of good customer support is something that says a lot about a company and can completely change a consumer?s opinion of you and your business. Nowadays customer support isn?t just about a smiling person at a desk, today it is about moving forward with the 21st century and integrating innovative technology and methods of contacting people.

In terms of the hospitality sector, the travel industry is one that can thrive by utilising texts for customer support. Not only is texting a more personal means of contact, it can often be far more convenient for customers than them having to contend with phone calls during office hours or tons of indirect emails.

For travel agents, text messages can serve as a simple reminder. For example, a text could state ?Hello Craig, your next payment instalment is due next week. Would you like to know our opening hours??. Deposit instalments are often things that slip people?s minds and such a polite reminder is likely to be held in high regard. Plus, the fact that you have mentioned opening hours suggests that you are considering their schedule and convenience. For customers that have booked with you, you can inform them of any excursions that have been added to their destination, the current exchange rates and when their tickets are available. All of this demonstrates the best customer service possible. Using responsive texting is particularly effective as customers are able to reply, not only with yes and no answers, but also with any questions that they may have.

Of course, the travel industry doesn?t just involve those who have bought package holidays. There are many people, especially those on business, who may require a flight only. Airlines can text passengers about of any delays or seat reservations that they may have booked as well as confirmations, terminal information or any security information due to the heightened security measures at UK airports. A similar method of contact would be effective for cruise operators. Not everyone likes to fly, but everyone likes informative customer service at the touch of a button and it likely that using SMS for customer support will have more of a reach.

The travel industry makes huge amounts of money with hotels. Hotels come in a range of shapes, sizes, themes and of course star ratings. Even if your accommodation has a low star rating, that doesn?t mean that you have to fall back on customer service. Just think how many good ratings you will get on TripAdvisor by offering the best customer support there is? Hotels can text details of booking confirmations to ask if a customer would like to add on breakfast, to ask any details of any specific requests such as room on a high floor or responsive texting could even allow for customer feedback after their stay.

One of the most effective and somewhat important ways of providing the best customer service is by sending a text stating one simple thing. Thank you. Consumers like to feel special and that they have bought into something that was worth their money. Whatever the nature of your business in the travel industry, ensure that you text a customer after a flight, holiday, stay in a hotel or after an excursion as a simple form of gratitude for their custom. A simple and cost effective text saying ?Thank you for flying with Fab Flights, we hope you had a relaxing journey and enjoyed your trip. We hope to see you again soon!?. Whilst this may seem pointless, to the consumer it demonstrates that you have taken the time to contact them and have thought about their needs. You never know, you might get a text back saying how great you are and there?s nothing like good feedback.


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