Monday, July 30, 2012

News and Notes for Monday July 30, 2012 - American Oil Chemists

The Skinny on Canola Oil
David Grotto, RD, LDN visits Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada to visit canola fields and learn more about the third most consumed oil in the world. Read more about the myths and facts surrounding canola oil at WebMD.?

Can a Food for Cows Make Healthier Snickerdoodles?
Padu Krishnan, a food scientist at South Dakota State University, tests recipes for baked goods made from ethanol by-products.? Read more at the Wall Street Journal.?

Vitamin E prevents liver cancer
Taking vitamin E supplements or eating vitamin E rich foods may help reduce risk for liver cancer or hepatocellular carcinoma, according to a Chinese study published? in Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Read more at

Oil lobby group challenges renewable fuel mandate
The American Petroleum Institute filed a lawsuit, arguing that the Environmental Protection Agency?s mandates are unreasonable and claiming "the government is requiring refiners and gasoline importers to purchase renewable fuels that don?t exist". Read more at FuelFix (blog).

Using Rheology to Design Better Products?Yield Stress and How to Measure It
Manipulating the rheology of a product during its development enables formulators to deliver desirable characteristics?the right feel and texture, great stability, and optimal usability that suits the consumer. Read more at American Laboratory.

Asia olefins uptrend seen capped by demand concerns
Asian olefins prices have been rising for the past? month, however,? further gains are expected to be capped by weak derivative demand and more supply. Read more at ICIS.

Abstract Alerts

H-NMR Spectroscopy as a New Tool in the Assessment of the Oxidative State in Edible Oils
Christina Skiera, Panagiotis Steliopoulos, Thomas Kuballa, Ulrike Holzgrabe and Bernd Diehl. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 2012, Volume 89, Number 8, Pages 1383-1391. Read the abstract.

Rheology and morphology of nanosilica-containing polypropylene and polypropylene/liquid crystalline polymer blend
Foudazi, R. and Nazockdast, H. (2012). J. Appl. Polym. Sci.. doi: 10.1002/app.38269. Read the abstract.

Upcoming Events July 30 -August 6, 2012
See the AOCS Events Calendar.

30-August 01 Soy Foods Summit
Chicago, Illinois, USA

August 2012

05-09 16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology
Salvador, Brazil

06-10 6th International Crop Science Congress
Bento Goncalves, Brazil

Have a news item or upcoming event? Tip your editors at


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