Tuesday, October 15, 2013

GOP mulls Trump as best to say 'You're fired!' to New York's Gov. Cuomo

Donald Trump for governor?

The New York Post is reporting that GOP bigwigs in the Empire State want the Donald to run against Gov. Andrew Cuomo in next year's New York state election.

Via the New York Post:

So far, Trump, who only recently learned of the effort, which is backed by state GOP Chairman Ed Cox and other party leaders, hasn’t said a flat “no.’’

Asked for comment by The Post, Trump left open the possibility of entering the race and blasted Cuomo, and even Cuomo’s dad, ex-Gov. Mario Cuomo, for their records in office.

The Post's article was apparently the first Trump heard of the GOP's desire to get him to mount an election campaign. The effort is being backed by state GOP Chairman Ed Cox and other party leaders.

Speaking on "Fox and Friends" on Monday, Trump said, "Well, I think my initial reaction is I haven't even thought about it. It's a first. It would be very interesting. I mean, New York has some very serious problems. We have taxes that are through the roof; we have energy sitting in our ground that we are not getting. We have a lot of problems, but it's not something that is of great interest to me."

News10NBC in Rochester spoke with Assemblyman Bill Nojay, whose memo about Trump's electability sparked the discussion.

Nojay said that while there are other Republicans who would make a great governor, Trump is "ready to go now. He'd be a great candidate in 2014."

Nojay also spoke to the Post about the possibility of getting the host of "The Apprentice" to run. "“If Donald Trump wants to be remembered as a successor to FDR and not Alex Trebek, he should run,” Nojay said.

Your move, Donald.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/gop-wants-trump-to-run-for-ny-governor-132303230.html
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