Friday, August 24, 2012

Choosing A Real Estate Agent | Uncategorized | WeNote

The real estate market is constantly changing. There are so many variables when it comes to putting your house on the market it can become overwhelming. To make the job of selling your home easier you may want to enlist the aid of a real estate agent. Choosing the right one can be confusing.
A real estate agent is trained to know the market in which they work. It would only make sense to find an agent that is in your area. This way you know you are getting someone who can answer questions efficiently about the neighborhood, should a buyer ask. An agent who knows the schools and community can add a great deal more to the experience than one who does not.

You will also learn that there is a difference between a real estate agent and a realtor. They both went through the same schooling to obtain their license. This is a professional license issued by the state. However, the realtor is a member of a nation wide organization known as the National Association of Realtors (NAR). He or she swore to uphold an oath as a member of this organization which states:

I Pledge:

To protect the individual rights of real estate ownership and to widen the opportunity to enjoy it.

To be honorable and honest in all dealings.

To seek better to represent my clients by building my knowledge and competence.

To act fairly towards all in the spirit of the Golden Rule.

To serve my community, and through it my country.

To always conduct myself in conformity with the ideals and objectives as set forth in the REALTORS? Code of Ethics.

To contribute to the welfare of my Association by abiding by the bylaws, rules and regulations of (which ever local association of realtors they are a member of)

This is a very important oath to the realtor. By breaking any one of these guidelines can result in disciplinary actions from monetary fines to license suspension. A realtor has a code of ethics he or she lives by.

The NAR offers an advantage to you as the seller. With so many different businesses relocating their employees, many times a local agent will work with an agent in the new city to find a home for the employee. This means that your home will not only be advertised locally, but nationally as well. This opens up a larger market for you as the seller.

The local realtor also works with other realtors within other brokerage firms to help clients buy and sell homes. In other words, when you list with a realtor you are actually listing your home with hundreds or even thousands of agents. This will help your home sell even faster than it could if you were to try to sell it on your own.

You should always ask how much experience the real estate agent has with homes of your value. You will also want to know how the home is going to be advertised and where. You will want to make sure the agent understands the financing aspect of selling your home. If you do not feel comfortable listing with one agent you can choose another one. It is always best to find an agent you have a rapport with. You want to be able to stay in constant communication with your agent to know what is happening with your home. Choosing a real estate agent is not so hard when you know they are trained, licensed professionals dedicated to getting the job done.

Contact or visit Rostell Chapman for more details.


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