Sunday, June 30, 2013

Google+ Now Makes Moving, Uploading, Downloading Photos a Breeze

Google+ Now Makes Moving, Uploading, Downloading Photos a Breeze gplusphotos1

Google?s Plus social networking site ? now in its second year ? has received a series of updates that are expected to make photo sharing on the service a bit more convenient, and a bit less painful. That?s according to Google?s Jon Emerson, who has posted some updates to Plus on his very own Google Plus page?as of Friday.

The updates come on top of a slew of features announced at this year?s Google I/O developer conference, which included?Auto Backup, Auto Highlight (chooses the best photo from a particular set), Auto Enhance and Auto Awesome (makes a GIF if it detects photos taken in quite succession).

Google+ Now Makes Moving, Uploading, Downloading Photos a Breeze download

Now, Google?s adding the three following features at the recommendation of its users:

A new ?Move? option?makes it easy to move photos between albums. Just pick a few photos in an album (or click the new ?Select? link to select all of them) and choose where they go.
Easier photo downloads. Once you?ve selected photos, use the new ?Download? option to save them to your computer.
Faster uploading?for large sets of photos. We?ve made a few small changes that make adding photos from your desktop an even smoother process.

The recent updates to Plus affirm that Google is putting a tremendous priority on photo sharing ? especially since that?s one of the most important elements when it comes to online social networking.

(via Jon Emerson via TheNextWeb)


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Trailer Power Rankings: Steve ?Jobs? Is Still Unbeatable

Screen Shot 2013-06-28 at 10.37.25 AM

Friday means one thing in this house: Trailer Power Rankings. We?ve got a few movers and shakers among the trailers that bothered to show up this week. A few trailers have popped up pretending to be showing up for the first time when I previously showcased them months ago, but don?t worry, I?m not going to waste any time at all on those second run. Only the freshest, most vibrant crop for our consumption.

Got a little crossover this week with funny man Josh Gad showing up in two separate films, although any other connections between the films were not as obvious. There is a bit of a power and control motif going on, controlling ourselves and others through any means necessary, exerting time, effort and energy as well as finite resources. But, that?s kind of what every story?s about, in the end. Gotta dumb comedy or two thrown into the mix, along with some meditations on sex and society. By 2019, our analysts predict that every film will have Gad in it for at least two minutes, potentially less.

On to the rankings!

1.) ?Jobs?

People talked a lot of crap on this movie at Sundance but I think they might just all be washed up old hags because holy crap this looks so good. Ashton Kutcher actually stops looking all Kutchery and looks a lot like Steve Jobs, and fake histories are such a cool trendy way to learn about like, real life stuff like the history of Apple Computers!! Way easier than reading Wikipedia. Josh Gad makes an appearance, of course. Man, I think back to those blissful halcyon days when I didn?t know who he was, when he was sprung, suddenly, fully-formed like Athena from the mind of Zeus in ?Love and Other Drugs? and I thought to myself ? who?s that chubby bastard? Well, now we know. Now we all know. The movie looks like it ends with the creation of the first iPod, which is pretty much when civilization gave up completely, so maybe we can consider this film the accurate history of the people who ruined the world by inventing products that made it easier for people to share selfies and talk about themselves on the Internet. Ugh now I don?t want to see it as much. (But I dooooo, so much.)
Starring: Ashton Kutcher, Josh Gad, J.K. Simmons
Release Date: August 16, 2013

2.) ?The Counselor?

The trailer doesn?t give much away about this story of drugs and lawyers, beautiful women and dangerous liaisons. This was perhaps one of the first times I realized how old everyone is getting, from Brad Pitt on down. Except Penelope Cruz, she exists in a vacuum where neither air, nor dirt, nor any living thing might mar her perfection. Cormac McCarthy wrote this one and Ridley Scott is making some kind of big to-do over being involved, so that probably means the story is kind of hard to sell on its own merits. I?m surprised Josh Gad isn?t in this one.
Starring: Brad Pitt, Michael Fassbender, Javier Bardem
Release Date: October 25, 2013

3.) ?Thanks for Sharing?

Mark Ruffalo as a sex addict, Paltrow as his new girlfriend and Josh Gad and Pink as members of his accountability group? Um, yeah, no duh, movie-people. Mark Ruffalo would totally be a sex addict, have you seen his perfectly ridiculous body and gorgeous voice? But the twist is that he doesn?t want to be one, but women keep throwing themselves at him and MAKING HIM ONE. Poor Mark Ruffalo, forced to be handsome in a world that cherishes and celebrates his virility. Gwyneth Paltrow makes some jokes about flip phones in the first part of this trailer, as if she?s ever touched a flip phone before in her life. She probably has some kind of crystal that she engraves messages on, then breathes positive energy into, then has the crystal delivered to her message recipient via organic Shetland pony cart. Dude, Pink is in this too. The Pink, the singer one who sings those songs you sometimes listen to and pretend you have never heard of. She maybe can act? But let?s not get ahead of ourselves.

We have our secondary Josh Gad sighting of the day, and he takes an even more central role as a pervy dude who can?t get his sexual impulses under control. These movies must have been made during such a specific time for poor Gadling. He was on ?1600 Penn?, he had all these movie offers, I bet he thought things were really happening for him. ?This is what they meant,? he thought as he read scripts sitting by the pool in his tiny house in the Valley, ?This is what it feels like to make it.? And then he wiggled his toes a bit, just because he could.

Starring: Gwyneth Paltrow, Mark Ruffalo, Tim Robbins
Release Date: September 20, 2013

4.) ?Escape Plan?

Stallone is a professional guy who breaks out of prisons but then someone invents a prison he can?t break out of!! But then it kind of looks like he does break out of it eventually. Weird hints of horror movies as well as ?The Cabin in the Woods?? Is that just me? Anyway, Aging Action Stars Teaming Up To Boost Their Popularity is pretty much its own sub-genre now, so let?s celebrate it in style with this mess of guns, explosions and prison violence!
Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Vincent D?Onofrio
Release Date: October 18, 2013

5.) ?Breathe In?

Director Drake Doremus is back, not with a sequel to ?Like Crazy?, but a simple, lyrical narrative about forbidden lust and longing set against the backdrop of sedate northern New York state. A Sundance Film Fest selection for this year, Guy Pearce plays a married man enticed by the beauty and charm of his family?s young foreign exchange student, played by Felicity Jones. Doremus is particularly good at showing us into spaces that we thought no one else knew about, and the acting in this one carries it where the plot perhaps runs a bit thin.
Starring: Felicity Jones, Guy Pearce, Amy Ryan
Release Date: 2013

6.) ?Adore?

Yeah, I didn?t want to see this movie when it was called ?Two Mothers? and I don?t really want to see this hunk of hunk now. See? Like, hunk of junk? But there?s just a lot of hunks in this one? Two moms who are best friends want to bang each other?s son, which is all kinds of wacky I guess, mostly because the boys grew up together so it just seems like a lot of weird repressed Oedipal-ness. That?d be really rad if there was some Greek chorus element, but it looks like just lots of soft-core moments strung together like pretty baubles of sea glass.
Starring: Robin Wright, Naomi Watts, Ben Mendelsohn
Release Date: 2013

7.) ?Dealin? with Idiots?

Sometimes when I write this report, the snippets of past weeks lingers on and in this space was a sentence or two about time travel romance. Yeah, that?d be loads better than whatever this is, some movie by Jeff Garlin about a Jeff Garlin-esque guy who wants to make a movie about Jeff Garlin-esque problems. Maybe this is the kind of comedy that saves all the jokes for the actual movie and just puts all the boring bits in the trailer. Yeah, cause that?s a thing.
Starring: Jeff Garlin, Gina Gershon, Jami Gertz
Release Date: July 12, 2013

8.) ?Hell Baby?

The least original movie, but with kind of a charming cast. This looks a step above a rip-off parody movie done for cheap and a step below every other movie ever made. Could be funny, but nothing in the trailer is particularly funny, so it?s not actually that likely to be good. Maybe there?s a place for both people who like dumb horror movies and the erudite interested in body horror/feminist critiques of aggressively oppressive imagery. Nahhhhh.
Starring: Leslie Bibb, Rob Corddry, Thomas Lennon
Release Date: 2013

Come back next week for more power rankings!

Categories: Columns, Trailer Roundup

Tags: Adore, Ashton kutcher, Breathe In, Escape Plan, JOBS, Steve jobs, Thanks for Sharing, The Counselor, Trailer power rankings


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Seattle fireworks too scary for baby bald eagles

By Elaine Porterfield

SEATTLE (Reuters) - Just because they're both emblems of American pride doesn't mean fireworks and bald eagles should share the same skyline.

The floating launch pad for next week's July Fourth fireworks display in suburban Seattle is being moved from its usual site to avoid frightening a pair of baby bald eagles nesting in a tree on the shore of Lake Washington, sponsors of the event said on Thursday.

A spokeswoman for the local National Audubon Society chapter said the two eaglets, still too young to fly, might be so startled by the pyrotechnics that they would jump out of their nest and plunge to the ground, leaving them injured or vulnerable to predators.

The fledgling national symbols, apparently unaware they are complicating the Independence Day festivities in the city of Kirkland, east of Seattle, currently spend their days perched in a tall lakeside Douglas fir in the town's Heritage Park.

They are believed to be six to eight weeks old, and probably won't start to fly until the beginning of August, said Mary Brisson, a board member and spokeswoman for Eastside Audubon.

The town's annual fireworks usually are set off from a barge floating in the lake near the park, and Brisson said her group recently asked that the display be moved from its traditional location for the sake of the young raptors. Organizers agreed.

As a result, the pyrotechnics company will relocate its launch site some 350 yards (meters) farther away from the nest, said Penny Sweet, founder of the civic group, Celebrate Kirkland, which oversees the fireworks.

The company also promised to tailor next Thursday's show to emphasize visual displays with less explosive noise to further minimize disturbing the eagle family.

"That's good for dogs and old people like me," Sweet said wryly.

She added that the new barge site will make the fireworks visible to more of the city as a whole.

Brisson said the revised plan adheres to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service guidelines requiring fireworks displays to be located at least a half-mile from an active bald eagle nest.

As an added attraction, the Audubon Society plans to set up a July Fourth observation site at Heritage Park allowing visitors to view the eaglets and their parents through spotting scopes after the annual holiday parade and before the fireworks.

(Editing by Steve Gorman and Sandra Maler)


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New Jersey governor vetoes ban on gestation crate use

By P.J. Huffstutter

CHICAGO (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie vetoed a bill Thursday that would have barred hog farmers in the Garden State from using gestation crates to house pregnant pigs - a move that comes as a blow to U.S. animal-rights groups.

In a statement, Christie said it was the role of New Jersey's Board of Agriculture and Department of Agriculture to establish "the proper balancing of humane treatment of gestation pigs with the interests of farmers whose livelihood depends on their ability to properly manage their livestock."

The bill generally would have made it a violation of animal cruelty laws to house a pregnant sow in such a way that prevented it to freely turn around, stand up, lie down or fully extend its limbs.

That this battle over gestation crates was being waged in New Jersey at all was unusual, as the state barely makes a squeal in the nation's pork industry. Farmers there raised barely 9,000 hogs in 2007, the most current USDA data. Iowa, the largest hog state, currently has about 20 million hogs, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

But the battle is part of a broader - and so far, successful - strategy that groups like the Humane Society of the United States and others have waged in a bid to force changes in the nation's barnyards.

Gestation crates are typically metal enclosures, about 7 feet long and 2 feet wide, in which a breeding sow is housed for much of her adult life.

The National Pork Producers Council praised the veto as a victory for farmers. "This is a great example of a governor standing up to powerful lobbying groups on behalf of small, independent farmers," President-elect Howard Hill said in a statement.

HSUS, a leading critic of the use of gestation crates, vowed to keep fighting the practice in New Jersey.

"I'm confident this bill will become law, one way or the other," Paul Shapiro, HSUS's vice president of farm animal protection, said in a statement.

Nine states currently either ban the crates or are in the process of phasing them out. A recent bid to pass similar legislation in Connecticut failed earlier this month.

Pork producers say these enclosures protect young piglets from being crushed by larger animals and to keep sows from fighting as they often will when housed together in larger pens. Animal rights groups say that such crates constitute inhumane treatment of the animals.

A number of food retailers - from McDonald's USA to The Wendy's Co - have vowed to only buy pork from farmers and other sources who do not use the enclosures, while pork producers Smithfield Foods Inc and Hormel Foods Corp have said they are phasing out the use of gestation crates in company-owned facilities.

(Reporting by P.J. Huffstutter; Editing by Bob Burgdorfer)


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Caspian Sea gas pipeline to go through Greece

(AP) ? BP, the main developer of the huge Shah Deniz gas field in the Caspian Sea, confirmed on Friday that the pipeline to Europe will go through Greece and then under the sea into Italy.

Regional BP president Gordon Birell said at an official ceremony in Baku, Azerbaijan's capital, that the project was awarded to the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline, or TAP. The other option, the Nabucco West venture, would have run across Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria.

TAP is comprised of Norway's Statoil, Axpo of Switzerland and the German firm E.ON. Its pipeline will run nearly 800 kilometers (500 miles) across northern Greece and into southern Albania before traveling under sea to Italy.

BP holds 25.5 percent of the Shah Deniz project, while Statoil holds another 25.5 percent. Azerbaijan's state oil and gas company, Socar, holds 10 percent, as do Russia's Lukoil, Iran's Nico and France's Total. The remaining 9 percent is held by Trao.

Birell said the consortium spent two years determining the best route for the pipeline that will carry Azerbaijan's first gas to Europe. The gas from Shah Deniz's second stage is to go into production in 2018, with the first supplies to be transported to Europe in 2019. Birell said 10 billion cubic meters of gas will be exported annually.

The choice of TAP was expected after Austrian power utility OMV said Wednesday that the Nabucco venture it was backing had not been selected.

Socar president Rovnaq Abdullayev said at Friday's ceremony that Azerbaijan and the European Union are still discussing other possible routes for an additional pipeline to carry Azerbaijan's considerable gas supplies to Europe. The Shah Deniz reserves are estimated at 1.2 trillion cubic meters.

The European Union and the United States both enthusiastically support building connections to Azerbaijan's gas as a way to reduce dependence on Russian gas.

Associated Press


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Tanker cars removed from broken bridge in Canada

CALGARY, Alberta (AP) ? Six tanker cars that teetered on a partially collapsed railway bridge over Calgary's swollen Bow River were successfully removed Friday.

Calgary's Acting Fire Chief Ken Uzeloc said the rail cars were stabilized before locomotives pulled them safely off the bridge early Friday morning. He said no one was injured during the incident.

The partially collapsed bridge gave way Thursday morning after most of the train had crossed.

Five of the derailed cars had been carrying a product used to dilute raw oils ands bitumen, but workers earlier removed it to new cars on an adjacent stable bridge. Uzeloc said no product was released into the Bow River.

The bridge, southeast of downtown Calgary, typically sits about 25 feet (7.6 meters) above water level, though water levels remain high after last week's flooding.

Hunter Harrison, the CEO of Canadian Pacific Railway, called the incident an "extraordinary" event. He said bridge piers at the bottom of the river failed, and that engineers blamed the failure on fast water scouring away gravel under the support.

Uzeloc said there were concerns that things could have ended much worse.

"You had five rail cars full of flammable liquid that if they had ruptured or opened up could have leaked into the river," he said.

"You also had rail cars, if they had gone into the river, would have floated down a significant portion of the river, then could have run into other bridge abutments or caused damage further down."

Canadian Pacific said the bridge was inspected by a qualified inspector on Saturday and the track was inspected on Monday.

Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi questioned the timing of the last bridge inspection when water on the river was still at record levels.


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Ritalin for Cocaine Addiction? | Psych Central News

By Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on June 28, 2013

Ritalin for Cocaine Addiction? New research suggests a single dose of methylphenidate (brand name Ritalin) can help to improve brain function in cocaine addiction, which ultimately could make it an add-on treatment for such addictions.

Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York performed imaging studies to develop their hypothesis. They found that the drug modified connectivity in certain brain circuits that underlie self-control and craving among cocaine-addicted individuals.

The research is published in the current issue of JAMA Psychiatry.

Previous research has shown that oral methylphenidate improved brain function in cocaine users performing specific cognitive tasks such as ignoring emotionally distracting words and resolving a cognitive conflict.

Similar to cocaine, methylphenidate increases dopamine (and norepinephrine) activity in the brain, but, administered orally, takes longer to reach peak effect, giving it a lower potential for abuse.

By extending dopamine?s action, the drug enhances signaling to improve several cognitive functions, including information processing and attention.

?Orally administered methylphenidate increases dopamine in the brain, similar to cocaine, but without the strong addictive properties,? said Rita Goldstein, Ph.D., who led the research while at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in New York.

?We wanted to determine whether such substitutive properties, which are helpful in other replacement therapies such as using nicotine gum instead of smoking cigarettes or methadone instead of heroin, would play a role in enhancing brain connectivity between regions of potential importance for intervention in cocaine addiction.?

Anna Konova, a doctoral candidate at Stony Brook University, who was first author on this manuscript, added, ?Using fMRI, we found that methylphenidate did indeed have a beneficial impact on the connectivity between several brain centers associated with addiction.?

For the study,?Goldstein and her team recruited 18 cocaine-addicted individuals. Participants were then randomized to receive an oral dose of methylphenidate or placebo.

The researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure the strength of connectivity in particular brain circuits known to play a role in addiction before and during peak drug effects. They also assessed each subject?s severity of addiction to see if this had any bearing on the results.

Methylphenidate decreased connectivity between areas of the brain that have been strongly implicated in the formation of habits, including compulsive drug seeking and craving.

The scans also showed that methylphenidate strengthened connectivity between several brain regions involved in regulating emotions and exerting control over behaviors?connections previously reported to be disrupted in cocaine addiction.

?The benefits of methylphenidate were present after only one dose, indicating that this drug has significant potential as a treatment add-on for addiction to cocaine and possibly other stimulants,? said?Goldstein.

?This is a preliminary study, but the findings are exciting and warrant further exploration, particularly in conjunction with cognitive behavioral therapy or cognitive remediation.?

Source: The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School of Medicine

APA Reference
Nauert PhD, R. (2013). Ritalin for Cocaine Addiction?. Psych Central. Retrieved on June 29, 2013, from



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In Egypt, skepticism over religion in politics

FILE - In this Monday, March 4, 2013, file photo, a journalist take pictures of Egyptian Salafi Muslims, unseen, during a protest in support of bearded police officers who were prevented from carrying out their work in the interior ministry, in front of the Shura Council, the upper house of Parliament, in Cairo, Egypt. Amid Egypt?s multiple woes under an Islamist-dominated administration, religion is not the political selling point it once was among Egyptians, one factor fueling planned weekend protests calling for Morsi?s fall. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil, File)

FILE - In this Monday, March 4, 2013, file photo, a journalist take pictures of Egyptian Salafi Muslims, unseen, during a protest in support of bearded police officers who were prevented from carrying out their work in the interior ministry, in front of the Shura Council, the upper house of Parliament, in Cairo, Egypt. Amid Egypt?s multiple woes under an Islamist-dominated administration, religion is not the political selling point it once was among Egyptians, one factor fueling planned weekend protests calling for Morsi?s fall. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil, File)

FILE - In this Wednesday, June 19, 2013 file photo, an Egyptian man holds a wooden stick during clashes between supporters and opponents of Egypt's president and his Muslim Brotherhood in Luxor, Egypt. Amid Egypt?s multiple woes under an Islamist-dominated administration, religion is not the political selling point it once was among Egyptians, one factor fueling planned weekend protests calling for Morsi?s fall. (AP Photo/Ibrahim Zayed, File)

FILE - In this Wednesday, June 19, 2013 file photo, graffiti depicting an Islamist damaging monuments, with Arabic at right that reads, "liars in the name of religion, 1997, Gamaa Islamiya,"on a wall in Luxor, Egypt, after Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi appointed 17 new governors, including seven members of the Muslim Brotherhood and one from an ex-militant group to rule the ancient city of Luxor. That appointment outraged Luxor residents, as the governor's group claimed responsibility for a 1997 massacre of dozens of tourists there. Amid Egypt?s multiple woes under an Islamist-dominated administration, religion is not the political selling point it once was among Egyptians, one factor fueling planned weekend protests calling for Morsi?s fall. (AP Photo/Ibrahim Zayed, File)

FILE - In this Wednesday, June 19, 2013 file photo, Egyptian men ride a horse carriage during clashes between supporters and opponents of Egypt's president and his Muslim Brotherhood in Luxor, Egypt. Amid Egypt?s multiple woes under an Islamist-dominated administration, religion is not the political selling point it once was among Egyptians, one factor fueling planned weekend protests calling for Morsi?s fall. (AP Photo/Ibrahim Zayed)

FILE - In this Friday, Feb. 22, 2013 file photo, Egyptians protesters parade with an effigy of a bearded man, mocking Egypt's Islamist rulers, during day six of the general strike, in Port Said, Egypt. Amid Egypt?s multiple woes under an Islamist-dominated administration, religion is not the political selling point it once was among Egyptians, one factor fueling planned weekend protests calling for Morsi?s fall. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser, File)

(AP) ? In a tiny mosque in southern Egypt, the cleric railed in his sermon against opponents of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, comparing them to "the Devil, who rebelled against God and was kicked out of heaven." Among the Muslim worshippers, a 42-year-old civil servant had enough.

Recounting the incident, Nasser Ahmed said he stood up and chanted, "Down with the rule of the Guide," referring to the head of the Muslim Brotherhood, the conservative political powerhouse from which Morsi hails. Other worshippers in the el-Lawa Mosque joined the chanting. Some became so angry they rushed the cleric and tried to beat him up, Ahmed told The Associated Press.

The outburst during the Friday sermon earlier this month in the Luxor province village of Bouairat hasn't been the only case of the faithful lashing out at preachers who stray into politics. It was part of growing signs that, after a year of Morsi's presidency and two years of growing Islamist political power in general, religiosity is not the political selling point it once was among Egyptians.

Increasingly, Egyptians denounce "wrapping politics in the cloak of religion," even in rural areas seen as the heartland of the conservative, "piety" voter. Along with anger over Egypt's economic woes and discontent with Morsi's managing of the country, the disillusionment is a factor fueling support for massive protests to demand Morsi's removal, planned for Sunday.

Egyptians are hardly becoming less religious. But more are losing their belief that someone who touts his religiosity is necessarily a trustworthy, clean and effective politician. Even one ultraconservative party, al-Nour, is shifting its stance in response to the new cynicism.

Though not universal, the shift has been fast. In the series of elections since the fall of Hosni Mubarak in early 2011, it was a common refrain from voters that Islamists' piety means they will not be corrupt and will work for the good of the people. That helped boost the Muslim Brotherhood and the more ultraconservative movement known as Salafis to win every vote.

Over years under Mubarak, the conservative Muslims' beard and "zabiba" ? a mark on the forehead from prostration in prayer ? came to be seen as signs of a good man. Mubarak oppressed some Islamist groups, giving them the allure of being victims of a corrupt system. Non-political Islamists, who were spared in crackdowns, set up networks helping the poor and filling the vacuum amid Mubarak's neglect of social services.

Now those disillusioned with politicizing religion point to what they call Morsi's failures ? fuel shortages, rising prices, continual instability. But they also say they have been turned off by seeing clerics taking political sides on TV, in mosques and at political rallies. Others are alienated by rhetoric on Salafi TV channels they see as dividing Egyptians into good or bad Muslims ? or branding opponents as "kuffar," or infidels.

They point to lslamists in parliament and in executive posts, many in religious trappings like beards and robes, engaging in the same unseemliness all politicians do: Internal fights, violent rhetoric, planting loyalists in positions, and even the occasional sex scandal.

"The image has been greatly disturbed," said Mohammed Habib, who was once the deputy leader of the Muslim Brotherhood but split and has become a sharp critic. "The people will not make the same choices as before." He said the group's leadership has hurt itself by being "narrow-minded" and showing "lack of vision."

Kamal Habib, a researcher in Islamic movements, said that "politicizing religion has led people to doubt the channels they long trusted and even viewed as sacred."

A spokesman for the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party argued that religiosity was not why people voted for Morsi. Rather it was because Morsi belonged to a group ? the Brotherhood ? that has a foot in every village and town and has always been close to the people, said Abdel-Mawgoud Dardery.

He blamed private media and Mubarak loyalists for misrepresenting Morsi. Media "tarnished the image of President Morsi, he said, while old regime elements "have been trying to sabotage the economic process of the country."

Indeed, religion was not the Brotherhood's only or even strongest selling point in legislative elections it dominated in late 2011-early 2012 or in Morsi's win. The group boasts Egypt's most powerful organizational network, with cadres to campaign for it nationwide, and a history of charities that helped the poor. That means it would likely still perform strongly in any election in the near-term.

Still, Brotherhood officials often lean on religious rhetoric, talking of the need to defend the "Islamist project" to rally hard-liners behind Morsi. The president, who frequently says he is the leader of all Egyptians, is less direct but laces his speeches with Quranic references. Nine months into his administration, a book by a supporter listed among Morsi's accomplishments that he was the first Egyptian president with a beard, the first to allow a state TV presenter to wear a conservative headscarf and the first to hold prayers every Friday in a mosque.

In two post-Mubarak referendums, including December's which passed the new constitution, Salafi clerics and other hard-liners campaigned for a "yes" vote in each by saying, in one form another, God wanted it.

Such rhetoric seems to have diminishing appeal.

Khadiga Gad el-Mawla, a housewife in the southern city of Deir Mawass in the Islamist stronghold Minya province, says she is no longer a fan of two of the most popular Salafi sheiks, Mohammed Hassan and Mohammed Hussein Yaacoub, who have large followings in mosques and on TV.

"I used to listen when they talked to us about obeying God and the way to heaven," she told AP. "The clerics told us to elect Morsi because he is God's choice. ... But they cheated us."

"The more they say something and do the opposite, the more I get shocked," she said.

Ali Assel, a cleric in the southern city of Nassariya, said he was dismayed by Islamists' battles with the judiciary and the media. Last year, Islamist protesters besieged the Supreme Constitutional Court, preventing judges from ruling on disbanding the interim parliament and the body writing the constitution. Other Islamists barricaded Media City, a complex near Cairo that houses TV stations, angry over "the liberal media."

"Politics corrupted religion," Assel said, adding he was shocked to see the Brotherhood "serving their own agenda and battling to topple down state institutions."

There are few polls in Egypt, so getting a broad picture is difficult. A poll released this week by the Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research, or Basserah, found Morsi's approval rating at 32 percent, compared to 78 percent after his first 100 days in office. The group polled 6,179 Egyptians across the country, with a margin of error of less than 1 percent. It did not ask questions about attitudes on religion.

Among the first blows to religious prestige came with a sex scandal soon after parliament was seated, when a Salafi lawmaker was caught in a compromising position in a car with a woman wearing the "niqab," the black robes and veil that leave only the eyes exposed. Another Salafi who said his facial bruises came from being attacked by enemies was discovered to have gotten a nose job.

Another factor: comedian Bassem Youssef, who has a weekly program in the style of Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. Youssef frequently plays footage of Islamists' TV appearance to show contradictions and mock their rhetoric ? so pointedly that he was investigated by police for insulting religion.

Youssef is often seen as an urban, liberal phenomenon. But with an audience of millions, plenty in rural and conservative areas watch him.

Youssef "exposes to the simple people the contradictions of the religious views and the triviality of the clerics," said Atef Ibrahim, 54, head of the chamber of commerce in the southern city of Assiut, who records Youssef's program to watch with his friends over the week.

Saad al-Azhari, a cleric who appears on a Salafi TV station, recognized Youssef's impact. But he said it will be "short-lived."

"Frankly speaking, the Islamist current is losing popularity," he said. "But this is the case for all movements" in Egypt.

He said Islamists' shortcomings have been because their powers are "incomplete" and "there is resistance from within state institutions."

In a telling sign of the diminished power of religious rhetoric, the Salafi al-Nour Party seems to be trying to a subtly different path. Once an ally of Morsi and the second biggest winner in the parliament elections, it has since distanced itself from the president. In a statement this week, it warned against dividing the country into Islamic and non-Islamic camps.

"The party rejects identifying those who oppose the ruing regime as against Islam or the Islamic project," the statement said.

Associated Press


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Director sees 'Hunger Games' star as Snowden


14 hours ago

Image: Liam Hemsworth, Edward Snowden

EPA, The Guadian

At least one Hollywood filmmaker thinks actor Liam Hemsworth, left, would be the right man to play Edward Snowden in a movie.

Fugitive National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, charged with violating espionage laws, is in the transit zone of the Moscow Airport, presumably trying to find a way to get to the Ecuadorian Embassy to seek asylum. How his story will end no one knows, but one Hollywood director is already envisioning what it would look like on the big screen.

Phillip Noyce, a director best known for spy and thriller films like "Salt" and "Patriot Games," told NBC News that he is personally fascinated by the espionage thriller that is playing out in front of the world. As he reads every article available about the case, Noyce says he can easily picture it as a suspenseful film with some comedic elements. He's already identified a possible leading man, but what excites him the most is that the verdict on the story's central question may remain unrendered for decades.

"This is a movie that's playing out before our eyes, even though we can't see anything," Noyce said. "We can't see the hero or the villain -- the central character. Like my last big movie, 'Salt,' it's a story where you're not quite certain if you're dealing with a heroine or a villain. And we may not be certain until the end of the movie or even beyond that. That's a beautiful duality to deal with when you're making a story or watching a movie. You can speculate he's motivated by complete unselfish motives through belief in protecting worldwide public interests. Or you can speculate he was himself a victim of knowing that notoriety might bring him immortality."

Who would play the 29-year-old who revealed the existence of the Prism Program, which gives the NSA direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other Internet giants? Noyce thinks that's an easy one: Liam Hemsworth, the 23-year-old actor who starred in "The Hunger Games" and "The Expendables 2."

"He's perfectly positioned as a rising star," Noyce said. "I think he'll probably be one of the great ones. His older brother, Chris, could also play him but Liam looks more like an everyman. I think he'd be perfect."

Noyce's movie, which he described as just "chatter in my head" for now, would open with the The Guardian's disclosure of Snowden as the leak and an exciting chase.

"We'd have this wonderful Harold Lloyd comedy sequence which is the best part of the movie - -the chase," he said. "In this case, it's a chase that's both funny and serious. It involves some of the highest officials in the world, and their different points of view while Mr. Snowden is holed up presumably at the Moscow Airport. That's a great sequence as world leaders argue over this 29-year-old and the merits or otherwise of his actions. "

The story, he added, also would need to feature WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and deal with the gaps in American intelligence-gathering illuminated by Snowden -- which brings up another key question the film would address: how safe are our secrets?

"Although Assange was the original whistleblower and people feel he did commit a betrayal, he changed American policy and how people felt about the war and the legality of the war," Noyce said. "And as far as Mr. Snowden is concerned, he was a contractor who did not inherit the ethos of a permanent public servant, like a CIA or NSA employee. But he seems to have had access to the names of operatives around the world and could have betrayed that confidence. The issue is not whether he did or didn't but that he could have. That brings up the security of our operatives, the people that willingly give their lives fighting the intelligence wars. Why did a 29-year-old contractor know so much? He knew who they are and had the ability to reveal that to the nation's enemies."

As an observer of the quickly unfolding story and its would-be storyteller, Noyce said he hasn't made up his mind about how he feels about his protagonist, Snowden.

"I would need access to him to understand his psychology a lot better," Noyce said. "In his own mind, he's obviously a hero. But what is truly motivating him? Does he want to be a 15-minute celebrity? Is it fame or fortune? Or does he truly want to sacrifice himself Christ-like for the rest of mankind? We don't know how this will end and the end might not come for another 50 years. We haven't even finished Act 1 yet."


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John Cena's 50 greatest matches

BY Zach Linder, Bobby Melok, Ryan Murphy, Kevin Powers & James Wortman

Page 1 of 51

June 27, 2013

June 27, 2002. Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle throws down an open challenge to the SmackDown locker room. A young kid from West Newbury, Mass. steps up. He?s not yet great ? no one is their first time ? but he?s poised and fiery with a body like an action figure and more heart than a butcher shop. He surprises Angle, takes him off his feet, almost beats him. The fact that he doesn?t win is important ? it keeps him humble, keeps him wanting more.

More than a decade passes. That kid becomes a man. He wins 11 WWE Titles. Main events WrestleManias against Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Stars in movies. Releases a rap album. Scuffles with Kevin Federline on live television. He becomes a brand, a polarizing figure loved and hated with equal ?lan. He carries WWE into an uncertain new age. He is John Cena. And these are the 50 matches that have defined him as the most important WWE Superstar of the past 10-plus years.

Jump ahead to:?40 |?30 |?20 | 10

Agree? Disagree? Let us hear about on the WWE Classics Facebook page.


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Weekend heat wave to bake western US

PHOENIX (AP) ? Tigers at the Phoenix Zoo are getting frozen fish snacks. Temporary cooling stations are popping up to welcome the homeless and elderly. And airlines are monitoring the soaring temperatures to make sure it's safe to fly as the western U.S. falls into the grips of a dangerous heat wave.

A strong high-pressure system settling over the region Friday and through the weekend will bring extreme temperatures even to the typically blazing Southwest. Notoriously hot Death Valley in California is forecast to reach 129 degrees, not far off the world-record high of 134 logged there exactly one century ago.

The National Weather Service is calling for 118 in Phoenix, and 117 in Las Vegas on Sunday ? a mark reached only twice in Sin City.

Temperatures are expected to soar even as far north as Reno, Nev., across Utah and into parts of Wyoming and Idaho, where forecasters are calling for triple-digit heat in the Boise area through the weekend.

Cities in Washington state better known for cool, rainy weather should break the 90s early next week, while northern Utah ? marketed as having "the greatest snow on Earth" ? is expected to hit triple digits. In Albuquerque, N.M., the mercury hit 105 on Thursday afternoon, the hottest it has been in the state's most populous city in 19 years.

"This is the hottest time of the year but the temperatures that we'll be looking at for Friday through Sunday, they'll be toward the top. We'll be at or above record levels in the Phoenix area and throughout a lot of the southwestern United States," said National Weather Service meteorologist Mark O'Malley. "It's going to be baking hot across much of the entire West."

Jennifer Smith, a spokeswoman for the National Interagency Fire Center based in Idaho, said crews are especially worried about wildfires igniting in the Four Corners region where the borders of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona intersect.

Some of the strongest parts of the high pressure system are expected to be parked over the area through the weekend, where forecasters are calling for lightning but little to no precipitation, Smith said.

The hottest cities are taking precautions to protect vulnerable residents. Police are pleading with drivers not to leave children or pets in vehicles, and temporary cooling stations are being put up to shelter homeless people and the elderly on fixed incomes who hesitate to use air conditioning.

Officials said extra personnel have been added to the U.S. Border Patrol's Search, Trauma, and Rescue unit as people illegally crossing the border from Mexico into Arizona could succumb to exhaustion and dehydration. At least seven people have been found dead in the last week in Arizona after falling victim to the desert's brutal heat.

Even airlines are watching the mercury for any signs that temperatures could deter operations.

In June 1990, when Phoenix hit 122 degrees, several airlines, including America West, which later merged with US Airways, were forced to cease flights for several hours because the planes didn't have the data needed to know how they would fly in temperatures above 120 degrees.

US Airways spokesman Todd Lehmacher said the airline's fleet of Boeings can now fly up to 126 degrees, and up to 127 degrees for the Airbus fleet.

But the company's smaller express planes flying out of the Phoenix area may be delayed if the temperature tops 118 because as the air heats up, it becomes less dense and changes liftoff conditions.

"The hotter is it, your performance is degraded," Lehmacher said. "We're monitoring this very closely to see what the temperatures do."

Officials at Salt River Project, the Phoenix area's largest electricity provider, also are closely monitoring usage in order to redirect energy in case of a potential overload.

Company spokeswoman Scott Harelson said he doesn't expect usage to get anywhere near SRP's record 6,663 megawatts consumed in August 2011.

"While it's hot, people tend to leave town and some businesses aren't open, so that has a tendency to mitigate demand and is why we typically don't set records on weekends," Harelson said.

Meanwhile, over at the Phoenix Zoo, animals from elephants to warthogs will be doused with hoses and sprayed with sprinklers and misters throughout the weekend.

The tigers will get frozen fish snacks while the lions can lounge on concrete slabs cooled by internal water-filled pipes, said zoo spokeswoman Linda Hardwick.

"And they'll all have plenty of shade," she said. "The keepers will all just be very active looking for any behavior changes, anything that would tip them off that an animal is just getting too hot."

In Las Vegas, two Elvis impersonators and a performer costumed as the iconic "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign said they still planned to keep up their routine of working the tourist corridor in the broad daylight and turning in for the evenings, heat notwithstanding.

"We'd much rather fight with the sun than fight with the drunk people," Elvis impersonator Cristian Morales said.


Associated Press writers Robert Jablon in Los Angeles, Julie Jacobson and Michelle Rindels in Las Vegas, Michelle Price in Salt Lake City, and Susan Montoya Bryan in Albuquerque contributed to this report.


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

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Simple two-drug combination proves effective in reducing risk of stroke

June 26, 2013 ? Results of a Phase III clinical trial showed that a simple drug regimen of two anti-clotting drugs -- clopidogrel and aspirin -- lowered the risk of stroke by almost one-third, compared to the standard therapy of aspirin alone, when given to patients who had minor or transient stroke symptoms to prevent subsequent attacks.

Described this week in the New England Journal of Medicine (July 4, 2013 print issue), the clinical trial was conducted at multiple sites in China and designed in partnership with a physician at UC San Francisco.

The trial involved 5,170 people who were hospitalized after suffering minor ischemic strokes or stroke-like events known as transient ischemic attacks, or TIAs, in which blood flow to the brain is briefly blocked. All patients were randomized into two groups and treated for three months with either aspirin alone or aspirin plus clopidogrel, which is marketed as Plavix. The three-month period following stroke is considered the most critical for medical intervention.

Overall, 8.2 percent of patients taking both drugs suffered subsequent strokes in the three months of follow-up compared to 11.7 percent of patients taking aspirin alone.

"The results were striking," said S. Claiborne Johnston, MD, PhD, a professor of neurology and associate vice chancellor of research at UCSF who was a senior author on the study.

The Chinese trial, called CHANCE (Clopidogrel in High-risk Patients with Acute Non-disabling Cerebrovascular Events), is nearly identical to a National Institutes of Health-sponsored trial that is already enrolling patients in the United States, including at UCSF, called POINT (Platelet-Oriented Inhibition in New TIA and Minor Ischemic Stroke).

"If POINT confirms CHANCE, then we're done -- the two-drug combination becomes the standard of care," said Johnston. "Anybody with a transient ischemic attack or minor stroke will get clopidogrel plus aspirin."

The POINT trial is important, said Johnston, because genetics, risk factors, and medical practice differences could all lead to differences in trial results in China compared to other countries. Johnston is the principal investigator of the POINT trial.

Stroke in China and the United States

Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide and is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.

More than 795,000 people in the United States have strokes every year, and, in 2008 alone, some 133,000 cases were fatal, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Another 300,000 people in the United States have TIAs each year.

Many strokes are minor -- shorter in duration than a full-blown stroke and usually have no lingering health impacts. In China, for instance, about 3 million new strokes occur every year, and about 30 percent of them are minor.

The protocol for the CHANCE trial was developed by Johnston and colleagues at Tiantan Hospital in China. The lead author of the study was Yongjun Wang, MD, of Beijing Tiantan Hospital.

China has many times more people who have strokes every year than the United States because of the size of the population and higher stroke rates, which allowed investigators to screen 41,561 patients in just three years at the 114 clinical sites, and enroll 5,170 patients in the trial.

Increased Risk of Subsequent Stroke

The reason for minor attacks is much the same as a full-blown stroke: a blood clot causes a blockage in the blood vessels that feed oxygen-rich blood to the brain. But in patients with TIAs and many minor strokes, the clot quickly goes away, usually in a few minutes, due to the natural mechanisms in the human body that are designed to deal with such clots.

However, in the weeks following a TIA or minor stroke, there is great risk that another clot will form, causing additional strokes -- potentially major ones. About 10 to 20 percent of people who have a TIA or minor stroke go on to have a subsequent stroke within three months.

Because of this risk, the first 90 days after a stroke or TIA is the most critical window for medical intervention. Currently, people who have minor strokes or TIAs are initially treated with aspirin alone. The purpose of the CHANCE trial was to determine whether clopidogrel with aspirin was more effective than aspirin alone in this intervention.

The drugs basically work the same way. They are "antiplatelet" agents, which target clotting agents found in the bloodstream know as platelets, preventing their aggregation. The combination is used commonly in patients who have heart attacks, but there has been no adequate clinical data to suggest it would work in stroke.


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Suzuki lifts Yankees over Texas 4-3 with HR in 9th

New York Yankees Ichiro Suzuki watches his walk-off solo home run against the Texas Rangers in the ninth inning of a baseball game Tuesday, June 25, 2013, in New York. The Yankees won 4-3. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

New York Yankees Ichiro Suzuki watches his walk-off solo home run against the Texas Rangers in the ninth inning of a baseball game Tuesday, June 25, 2013, in New York. The Yankees won 4-3. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

New York Yankees Ichiro Suzuki greets his teammates at the plate after hitting a walk-off solo home against the Texas Rangers in the ninth inning of a baseball game Tuesday, June 25, 2013, in New York. The Yankees won 4-3. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

New York Yankees' Ichiro Suzuki acknowledges the crowd after hitting a walk-off home run against the Texas Rangers in the ninth inning ofa baseball game Tuesday, June 25, 2013, in New York. The Yankees won 4-3. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

New York Yankees' Ichiro Suzuki, center, celebrates his walk-off home run with team members including Robinson Cano, far left, manager Joe Girardi and relief pitcher Mariano Rivera, far right, in the ninth inning of a baseball game against the Texas Rangers on Tuesday, June 25, 2013, in New York. The Yankees won 4-3. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

Texas Rangers manager Ron Washington, left, takes the ball from Texas Rangers starting pitcher Yu Darvish after Darvish allowed a sixth-inning solo home run to New York Yankees shortstop Jayson Nix in a baseball game Tuesday, June 25, 2013, in New York. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

(AP) ? A few innings after a matchup between Japanese aces Yu Darvish and Hiroki Kuroda was spoiled by five home runs, Ichiro Suzuki finished off the Texas Rangers with a long ball of his own.

Suzuki homered off Tanner Scheppers with two outs in the ninth inning, lifting the New York Yankees to a 4-3 victory over the Texas Rangers on Tuesday night.

"Love it," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. "Sometimes it's tough to score runs when you're not hitting home runs. We got enough tonight."

Suzuki's drive to right-center was the Yankees' fourth home run of the game, three coming off Darvish, and it helped New York improve to 4-3 on a homestand that ends after two more games against the Rangers.

"I think it was just the wrong pitch at the wrong time," Scheppers said. "I probably showed him too many fastballs in that at-bat. Probably should have went with something different."

The Bronx Bombers were coming off a stretch in which they hit just four homers in 15 games, going 6-9. Other than Travis Hafner on Tuesday, the contributions came from some unlikely sources.

Brett Gardner and Jayson Nix also homered off Darvish, who hasn't won in seven starts. Suzuki's drive was his fourth of the year.

"Anyone can contribute, that's the great thing about this game," Girardi said. "When you have a bat in your hand, you can be part of the story."

Texas also had an unlikely power source: No. 9 hitter Leonys Martin connected twice off Kuroda.

Mariano Rivera (1-1) worked a scoreless ninth for New York, which ended the Rangers' five-game winning streak.

Scheppers (5-1) pitched a perfect eighth before being touched up by Suzuki in New York's first walk-off win this year.

The anticipated matchup between Darvish and Kuroda, Japanese aces with ERAs under 3.00, fizzled on a hot and sticky night when a four-inning stretch produced five home runs.

The 11th major league matchup between starters from Japan got off to a sharp start. Even when the Yankees loaded the bases in the first on three straight singles that just cleared the gloves of leaping infielders, Darvish easily got out of the jam with a strikeout and an easy grounder.

But Martin started the home run barrage with a shot that landed a couple of rows back in the short right field porch.

"The home runs I gave up, that was bad, but otherwise I think I pitched well," Kuroda said through a translator.

After the Rangers went up 2-0 on an unearned run in the fourth aided by rookie third baseman David Adams' throwing error, Hafner led off the bottom half with a long ball into the New York bullpen. Martin then started the fifth with a shot that landed several sections to the left of his first homer for his fifth of the year.

Not to be outdone, Gardner led off the Yankees' half with a line drive deep into the seats in right field to pull New York to 3-2.

Kuroda had his first perfect inning since the second in the sixth. And Nix promptly tied it with a soaring fly to left field that cleared the wall by several rows, snapping his homerless string at 202 at-bats. Nix last homered on April 7.

Darvish was done two batters later, having allowed the most homers of his big league career in 45 starts. He hasn't won since beating Justin Verlander and the Detroit Tigers on May 16.

Pitching on extra rest because Texas chose to bring up top pitching prospect Martin Perez to start against St. Louis on Saturday and push everyone back a day, Darvish struck out six. He yielded seven hits and three runs.

"He wasn't at his best. I think we had him twice with two-run leads," Rangers manager Ron Washington said. "He tried to get a cutter in on Gardner and didn't get it there and then he hung two breaking balls. They worked him and made him throw some pitches."

Kuroda lasted into the seventh, lifted before facing Martin again. Boone Logan came in and struck out the No. 9 hitter.

Kuroda matched his line from the last time he faced Darvish on April 24, 2012 ? two earned runs and five hits in 6 2-3 innings. He also struck out six.

Texas took advantage of Adams' throwing error on Adrian Beltre's grounder to go up 2-0 in the fourth. Beltre reached when Adams' long throw skidded past first baseman Lyle Overbay with one out. A.J. Pierzynski and Lance Berkman each singled to load the bases before Mitch Moreland's grounder to second base was too slow for Robinson Cano to start a double play, allowing a run to score.

With runners on first and third, David Murphy then hit a grounder that shortstop Nix fielded deep behind second base. He made a strong throw for the third out.

NOTES: Chris Stewart threw two runners out trying to steal and Pierzynski one. ... Beltre made two errors. ... Girardi said 1B Mark Teixeira (right wrist inflammation) was going to see a doctor Tuesday but had no update after the game. Teixeira hasn't played since pulling himself from a game June 15 and Girardi said he is concerned about Teixeira because he is showing no improvement. ... Washington said he will find playing time for INF Jurickson Profar in this series. Profar's playing time has been curtailed since Ian Kinsler returned from the disabled list on June 15.

Associated Press


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Laser guided codes advance single pixel terahertz imaging

June 25, 2013 ? The universe is awash in terahertz (THz) waves, as harmless as they are abundant. But unlike other regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, THz has proven to be extremely difficult to manipulate in order to capture novel images of objects and materials with which these light waves interact.

Most existing THz imaging devices employ prohibitively expensive technology or require several hours and cumbersome manual controls in order to generate a viable image, according to Boston College Professor of Physics Willie J. Padilla.

Padilla and researchers in his lab recently reported a breakthrough in efforts to create accessible and effective THz imaging. Using both optical and electronic controls, the team developed a single-pixel imaging technique that uses a coded aperture to quickly and efficiently manipulate stubborn THz waves, according to a recent report in the journal Optics Express.

In the so-called terahertz gap, a region of wavelengths that falls between microwave and infrared frequencies, conventional electronic sensors and semiconductor devices are ineffective. Some systems capture only a fraction of a scene and the means to tune these THz waves are inefficient. This has fueled the search for new imaging technologies in order to manipulate THz waves.

Efforts to overcome the challenges of mechanics, cost and image clarity are viewed as a crucial step in efforts to tame the THz gap since imaging and sensing at this frequency holds the potential for advances in areas as divergent as chemical fingerprinting, security imaging of hidden weapons, even real-time skin imaging to promote simple detection of skin cancer.

Central to this challenge is the development of a technology to create efficient masks -- similar to the aperture of a camera -- capable of tuning THz radiation in order to produce clear images in just a few seconds.

Padilla and graduate students David Shrekenhamer and Claire M. Watts report their new single pixel imaging method centers on what they describe as a "coded aperture multiplex technique" where a laser beam and electronic signals are used to send a set of instructions to a semiconductor so it can guide the reproduction of the image of an object after THz waves have passed through it.

A digital micro-mirror device encodes the laser beam with instructions that direct certain segments of the silicon mask to react and allow a selected sample of the THz waves to pass freely through, consistent with the image pattern. The combination of optical instructions and the reaction of the semiconductor create a THz spatial light modulator, the team reports. Functioning like the aperture of a conventional camera, the modulator then guides the digital reconstruction of the entire image based on a broad sampling of THz waves that have passed through the object.

The team's experiments found the method could produce masks of varying resolutions, ranging from 63 to 1023 pixels and acquire images at speeds up to .5 Hz, or about 2 seconds. The early findings "demonstrate the viability of obtaining real-time and high-fidelity THz images using an optically controlled SLM with a single pixel detector," the team concluded.

Padilla said the findings have spurred additional research by his lab into ways to further control THz waves, such as by using the intricate patterns of an engineered metamaterial to further manipulate terahertz waves to create images faster and with increased efficiency.


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House investigators: Disability judges are too lax

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Social Security is approving disability benefits at strikingly high rates for people whose claims were rejected by field offices or state agencies, according to House investigators. Compounding the situation, the agency often fails to do required follow-up reviews months or years later to make sure people are still disabled.

Claims for benefits have increased by 25 percent since 2007, pushing the fund that supports the disability program to the brink of insolvency, which could mean reduced benefits. Social Security officials say the primary driver of the increase is demographic, mainly a surge in baby boomers who are more prone to disability as they age but are not quite old enough to qualify for retirement benefits.

The disability program has been swamped by benefit claims since the recession hit a few years ago. Last year, 3.2 million people applied for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income.

In addition, however, management problems "lead to misspending" and add to the financial ills of the program, investigators from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee say.

"Federal disability claims are often paid to individuals who are not legally entitled to receive them," three senior Republicans on the House committee declared in a March 11 letter to the agency. Among the signers was the committee's chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa of California.

Social Security acknowledges a backlog of 1.3 million overdue follow-up reviews to make sure people still qualify for benefits. But agency officials blame budget cuts for the backlog, saying Congress has denied the funds needed to clear it.

Social Security spokesman Mark Hinkle said the agency follows the strict legal definition of disability when awarding benefits. In order to qualify, a person is supposed to have a disability that prevents him from working and is expected to last at least a year or result in death.

"Even with this very strict standard, there has been growth in the disability program, and the primary reason for this growth is demographics," Hinkle said. He noted that approval rates have declined as applications for benefits have increased.

The most common claimed disability was bone and muscle pain, including lower back pain, followed closely by mental disorders, according to the program's latest annual report.

"Pain cases and mental cases are extremely difficult because ? and even more so with mental cases ? there's no objective medical evidence," said Randall Frye, a Social Security administrative law judge in Charlotte, N.C. "It's all subjective."

Nearly 11 million disabled workers, spouses and children get Social Security disability benefits. That's up from 7.6 million a decade ago. The average monthly benefit for a disabled worker is $1,130.

An additional 8.3 million people get Supplemental Security Income, a separately funded disability program for low-income people.

If Congress doesn't act, the trust fund that supports Social Security disability will run out of money in 2016, according to projections by Social Security's trustees. At that point, the system will collect only enough money in payroll taxes to pay 80 percent of benefits, triggering an automatic 20 percent cut in benefits.

Congress could redirect money from Social Security's much bigger retirement program to shore up the disability program, as it did in 1994. But that would worsen the finances of the retirement program, which is facing its own long-term financial problems.

The House oversight subcommittee on entitlements is scheduled to hold the first of several hearings on the disability program Thursday. The hearing will focus on the role of administrative law judges in awarding benefits.

Most Social Security disability claims are initially processed through a network of local Social Security Administration field offices and state agencies, usually Disability Determination Services, and most are rejected. If your claim is rejected, you can ask the field office or state agency to reconsider. If your claim is rejected again, you can appeal to an administrative law judge, who is employed by Social Security.

The hearing process takes an average of a little more than a year, according to Social Security statistics. The agency estimates there are 816,000 hearings pending.

So far this budget year, the vast majority of judges have approved benefits in more than half the cases they've decided, even though they were reviewing applications that had typically been rejected twice by state agencies, according to Social Security data.

Of the 1,560 judges who have decided at least 50 cases since October, 195 judges approved benefits in at least 75 percent of their cases, according to the data, which were analyzed by congressional investigators.

"This is not one or two judges out there just going rogue and saying they are going to approve a lot of cases," said Rep. James Lankford, R-Okla., chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Energy, Policy, Health Care, and Entitlements. "This is a very, very high rate" of approving claims.

The union representing administrative law judges says judges are required to decide 500 to 700 cases a year in an effort to reduce the hearings backlog. The union says the requirement is an illegal quota that leads judges to sometimes award benefits they might otherwise deny just to keep up with the flow of cases, according to a federal lawsuit filed by the judges' union in April.

"I wouldn't want to suggest publicly that judges are not following the law or the regulations," said Frye, the North Carolina law judge who also is president of the Association of Administrative Law Judges , But, he added, "Would you want your surgeon to be on a quota system, to have to do so many surgeries every morning? Mistakes are going to be made when you force that kind of system on professional folks whose judgment, skill and experience are critical to coming to a good result."

The agency denies there is a case quota for judges, saying the standard is a productivity goal. The agency has declined to comment on the lawsuit. Former Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue said he set the goal in 2007 to help reduce the hearings backlog.

Once people get benefits, their cases are supposed to be reviewed periodically to make sure they are still disabled. The reviews are called continuing disability reviews, or CDRs.

For people whose disabilities are expected to improve, CDRs should be done in six to 18 months, according a 2010 report by the agency's inspector general. If improvement is possible ? but not necessarily likely ? reviews should be done every three years. People with disabilities believed to be permanent should get reviews every five to seven years.

At the end of 1996, there was a backlog of 4.3 million overdue reviews. In response, Congress authorized about $4 billion to fund a seven-year effort to wipe it out, and the backlog was erased in 2002.

But after the funding dried up, the number of annual reviews performed by the agency decreased and the backlog grew. Last year, the agency conducted 443,000 continuing reviews.

President Barack Obama's proposed budget for next year includes $1.5 billion to address the backlog, a nearly 50 percent increase over present funding. With the increase, the agency says it would be able to conduct slightly more than 1 million reviews.

"We have completed every CDR funded by Congress, but our administrative budget has been significantly reduced, resulting in three straight years of funding levels nearly a billion dollars below the president's budget requests," Hinkle said. "As a result, we have lost more than 10,000 employees since the beginning of (fiscal year) 2011. We currently have a backlog of 1.3 million CDRs, which we would be able to address with adequate, dedicated program integrity funding from Congress."


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