Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I don't know how long I've been here... I remember being tied at first... Then cuffed... And then put in a dark, dark room.

I opened my eyes, but only saw black.

Sleep never came easy. I tried hard, but I knew I was staying up longer than I was supposed to. I always remember the bright light that came from no where and blinded me every day. When it disappeared, I found food in it's place. I lived as best as I could in here. One day, I wondered who was there.

I yelled, but no one answered.

I was alone. I tried to pass the time by making imaginary friends, but they always left me and ran to a place with light and fun. I don't blame them. One day, I remember the jolt of the chains tightening as I hit the wall. I couldn't move. My arms and legs spread out, the blinding light appeared and I saw shadowy figures. Pain followed that I can't even explain to this days. I felt the stab of needles, one after the other.

I cried, but there was no one's comfort.

When they would leave, the chains would go slack. This seemed to become a daily thing also. I once tried to rebel, but there were screams and yells that I couldn't understand, Pain worse than before, and a choking feeling around my neck. I couldn't do anything, but... I felt a warm splash on my face. It felt... odd. It wasn't the usual liquid I drank. It was warm and after awhile, it got sticky. I found that after I was let back down, it was all over my cell. How peculiar.... Interestingly enough, the next day, it vanished after I was let down again.

I want out of here.

I've recently been hearing things. Not the usual things though. They are sounds from above. Is there even an Above? If so, what is it like? What's in this area above me? Will they cause me pain? But... the question that took over my mind once I started thinking about them was,

Won't you come and save me?


Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway

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