Monday, January 28, 2013

Feeling flirty? Wait for the sun to shine

Jan. 28, 2013 ? We all know how casual flirtation can lift one's mood, which can be important at this time of year when the winter blues are at their peak. But if you are more serious about your flirting and hope to get that all important phone number, you're better off waiting until it's sunny, according to new French research published in the journal Social Influence.

Nicolas Gu?guen of the University of South Brittany -- who has previously investigated how wearing red lipstick can increase a waitress' tips -- conducted a study in which an 'attractive' 20 year old male approached 18-25 year old women walking alone in the street and asked them for their phone numbers. The women were solicited on both sunny and cloudy (but not rainy) days, when the temperature was about the same.

In the past other environmental factors have been found to make people more likely to flirt or exchange phone numbers -- the presence of pleasant smells, romantic music or certain colours have all been found to have an effect.

Previous research has also shown how the weather can affect certain social behaviours -- sunshine makes people more likely to help strangers or answer a survey, and people tend to leave bigger tips in restaurants on sunny days. But this is the first research to explore how the weather may influence courtship or dating behaviour.

It was found that women were more receptive to being approached and flirted with -- and give out their phone numbers -- on sunny days: over a fifth -- 22.4% -- of women did so when the sun was out, as opposed to 13.9% on the cloudy days.

(The phone numbers were later used to contact the women and tell them the true nature of the study, as per the recommendation of the ethics committee of the lab which reviewed the project!)

The message seems clear: flirting is more likely to have a positive outcome on sunny days. But Professor Gu?guen was careful to include certain caveats regarding the applicability of the research to everyday situations: the sunshine (or other factors) may after all have improved the attractive 20 year old male's flirting skills on those days. Other atmospheric conditions such as windiness or humidity were not accounted for. And, perhaps most crucially, the research was conducted in France, where 'men traditionally approach women in romantic relationships'.

The journal article concludes with suggestions for further study in this area -- for instance, are men themselves more likely to initiate flirting behaviour when the sun is shining? We'll have to wait until the Spring to find out!

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Taylor & Francis, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Nicolas Gu?guen. Weather and courtship behavior: A quasi-experiment with the flirty sunshine. Social Influence, 2013; : 1 DOI: 10.1080/15534510.2012.752401

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Yeshiva World VIDEO: R' Amnon Yitzchak Speaks Out ...


Following the election defeat of his Koach L?Hashpiah party, which failed to pass the minimum threshold to enter the 19th Knesset, Rav Amnon Yitzchak speaks out, in the form of a video, speaking of the ?sheker?, the lies that accompanied the election campaign and the Shas officials ?who preferred the chilonim Yair Lapid who closes kollelim and drafts Bnei Torah instead of the person who brings people back to teshuvah.

In the 17 minute video, Rav Amnon speaks of the grief caused to Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita, and the chilul Hashem and unacceptable actions of the Shas officials. He speaks of the insults to Maran and the Torah due to the actions of Shas leaders, who acted inappropriately, as well as the attacks and insults against him.

?Shas officials preferred voting for Arabs instead of me.? He explains how the Shas rabbonim never bothered to inquire, to probe and verify if indeed the harsh allegations against him were founded, which of course they were not.

Rav Amnon says he does not forgive any of them for the spilling of his blood and pain and suffering caused.

Rav Amnon speaks of many cases in which they detected voter fraud, the tricks that took place, the threats, those who saw Shas people outside asking voters ?who are you voting for?, the distribution of cash and even distribution of cell phones free of charge, all to pull people from voting Koach L?Hashpiah.

The vehicles driving around Rosh Ha?ayin and Rehovot announcing that Koach L?Hashpiah closed and that Rav Amnon instructed voters to return to Shas. The rav speaks of how Shas ignored the rulings of Central Election Committee officials, conducting a campaign that was ruled illegal and unacceptable.

Rav Amnon laments how the actions of Shas leaders and supporters actually pushed some people away from being frum, not wishing to be associated with Jews like this, citing the foul play and tactics that have become Shas, actions that are not seen among the most left-wing secular party in Israel.

Rav Amnon speaks of how 30,000 rabbonim, roshei kollel and their followers used all their energy against one man, who was simply acting upon the instructions of HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita, and instead, Yair Lapid has 19 seats.

?Lapid is good for Shas while Amnon Yitzchak is very bad. Can someone please explain this to me? he adds.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

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(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Every House Should Have a Secret Hidden Exterior Door

There's something about secret doors that makes my spine tingle. The excitement! The mystery! But most secret doors are on the inside of a house—pull that book to reveal a hidden chamber! push that wall through!—this one, amazingly, is on the outside. It's so good you don't even see it. More »


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daaabil321: junal.singh: Forbes Travel Guide City Guides Hit ...

New York, NY (PRWEB) April 7, 2010

With travelers looking for variety, value and an ?Insider?s Edge? in planning their 2010 Summer vacations, Forbes Travel Guide announced that its new City Guides series is available at major bookstores across the country and online.

Authored by Forbes Travel Guide ? formerly Mobil Travel Guide, the originator of the prestigious Mobil Star ratings, certifications and authoritative reviews of hotels, restaurants and spas -, the new City Guides cover New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Chicago and Hong Kong.

Each Guide is a comprehensive resource for prospective visitors to a major urban destination, including shopping, art, music, sports, theater, and nightlife. With the ?inside scoop? from anonymous inspectors and top-notch local writers, the guidebooks use Forbes? time-tested, star-rating system to allow travelers to experience the very best a city has to offer, with planning tools that include updated maps with pinpoints of star-rated properties, key sites, top attractions, quick tips and insider secrets.

?For Summer 2010, it?s all about value and variety,? said Shane O?Flaherty, President and CEO of Forbes Travel Guide.

He concluded, ?Increasingly, individual travelers, couples and families are looking for the diversity and flavor of major urban destinations when planning their leisure time travel ? and we are pleased to make available a series of unmatched resources to help them research and make their travel decisions.?

Forbes Travel Guide expects to release additional City Guides later in 2010.


Each City Guide contains close to 200 pages of information-packed narrative, photographs and insider perspectives that are based on Forbes Travel Guide?s star rating system that has been the most trusted source for travelers since 1958. The information-packed Guides help direct travelers to the finest lodgings, restaurants, and attractions a city has to offer, making an otherwise daunting task ? planning a visit to a major international destination ? a lively, entertaining and enjoyable experience. Colorfully written and illustrated, each Guide comes in a handy pocket-size format, making it an ideal travel companion for the trip.

The Guides are available at Borders, Barnes & Noble,, Waldenbooks, Books A Million, and most major booksellers/independent book stores.

For more information about the Guides, please visit any of these retail outlets, or learn more at


Forbes Travel Guide, formerly Mobil Travel Guide, originator of the prestigious Mobil Star ratings and certifications, has provided the most comprehensive ratings and reviews of hotels, restaurants and spas since 1958.

In October 2009, Mobil Travel Guide announced a strategic partnership with Forbes Media LLC. This exclusive licensing agreement between two industry leaders with more than 140 years of combined experience transfers the hospitality industry?s premier star rating and travel guide brand from ExxonMobil to Forbes. Forbes Travel Guide has a team of expert inspectors who anonymously evaluate properties against rigorous and objective proprietary standards, providing consumers the insight to make better-informed travel and leisure decisions.


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Russia's Vladimir Putin says West is fomenting jihadi 'blowback'

Both Vladimir Putin and his foreign minister have lashed out at the West in recent days for pursuing what they regard as naive and incoherent Middle East policies.

The critique targets Western backing of anti-dictator rebellions in Libya and Syria, which, as Mr. Putin tells it, only fuels the spreading flames of extreme Islamist insurrection, including the current war in Mali and last week's terrorist strike on a gas complex in Algeria.

"The Syrian conflict has been raging for almost two years now. Upheaval in Libya, accompanied by the uncontrolled spread of weapons, contributed to the deterioration of the situation in Mali," Mr. Putin said at a meeting with new ambassadors in the Kremlin Thursday.

RECOMMENDED: Do you know anything about Russia? A quiz.

"The tragic consequences of these events led to a terrorist attack in Algeria which took the lives of civilians, including foreigners," he added.

"Those whom the French and Africans are fighting now in Mali are the same people who . . . our Western partners armed so that they would overthrow the Gaddafi regime," in Libya in 2011, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a news conference Wednesday.

Many in the West may be inclined to shrug off Russian criticism as the routine sniping of a government whose Mideast influence has slumped since the Arab Spring began, or the self-serving rationale of an autocratic regime that fears popular revolution and automatically backs authoritarian rulers.

But many Russian experts, including sharp critics of the Kremlin on other issues, argue that Russian leaders are being realists about the blowback that has followed Western interventions in the Muslim world.

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They say Moscow has been dealing with the threat of militant jihadists since the Soviet Union's disastrous 1980s war in Afghanistan, and has watched as it has shown up in parts of Russia's heartland. Kremlin leaders accuse the West of an enthusiasm for toppling dictators that has led, not to democracy, but to spreading mayhem and rising Islamist militancy across West Asia and North Africa.

"Russia is on the frontier, we are in jihad territory," says Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of the independent Institute of Middle Eastern Studies in Moscow.

"Our own fringes, the northern Caucasus, Central Asia, and even the central Volga region are threatened. That's why we're very clear about who the enemy is.. . . We know this, and you would think that after 9/11 and other events that our American and European colleagues would have some clarity about it, too. Yet they always seem ready to play with fire, and to use militant jihadists against Russia and its national interests ? as they did in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Libya, and Syria," he adds.

Over the past decade Russia has used its UN Security Council vote to oppose the US invasion of Iraq aimed at overthrowing dictator Saddam Hussein; yet it has strongly supported NATO's anti-Taliban mission in Afghanistan. Last year, Putin even urged the Western allies not to leave Afghanistan before the "job was done" and Moscow gave NATO the use of a huge airbase in central Russia to help with the resupply effort to its embattled forces there.

Moscow abstained on the March 2011 Security Council resolution that authorized the use of force "to protect civilians" in Libya, and last month it actually backed another resolution empowering France and others to intervene against Islamists threatening to overrun Mali.

On the other hand, Russia has repeatedly vetoed any resolution aimed at international cooperation to ease Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad from power and continues to back his regime with political support and shipments of weaponry. The UN estimates 60,000 killed in the ongoing civil war in Syria, with some 500,000 to 600,000 displaced or categorized as refugees.

Outsiders may be forgiven for seeing Moscow's policies as a bit tangled, not to say hypocritical, but many Russian analysts argue that they have been completely consistent ? with the sole exception of former President Dmitry Medvedev's decision to abstain on the Libya "use of force" resolution, which was publicly slammed by then-Prime Minister Putin.

"The Libya resolution contained promises to Russia that were never delivered. Today our abstention on that vote can be clearly seen as a mistake, a symption of Medvedev's non-professionalism," says Mr. Satanovsky.

The Russians argue that they back secular goverments and stability, even where it is enforced by a dictatorship, because the alternatives are almost universally worse. They insist that Western efforts to back democratic revolution have backfired almost everywhere, and will continue to do so.

"All attempts to export revolution end badly," says Andrei Klimov, deputy chair of the State Duma's international affairs committee.

"In Iraq, the Americans came in to eliminate fictitious weapons of mass destruction, and knocked out all the pillars of stability in that country. Look at the mess it's in today.... Libya was stable, Syria was stable, until revolutions aided and abetted by Western powers tore them apart. All this chaos is a gift to militant fundamentalists and no one else," he adds.

Russia's backing for the current French-led intervention in Mali is just a case of lining up against the common enemy, the jihadists, pro-Kremlin analysts say.

They point out that the government the West is propping up in Mali is a dictatorship, the result of a military coup last year that overthrew the democratic government on the eve of elections.

"We agree with the French about this. Maybe they're finally seeing the light," says Sergei Markov, vice president of the Plekhanov Economic University in Moscow and a frequent adviser to President Putin in the past.

"It's an attempt to stem the damage that's a result of the misguided operation in Libya. It's against the jihadists and we support it," he adds.

"When the West is helping to destroy a stable regime, and willfully opening the gates to the radical Islamists, we oppose it. . . We wish that Russia and the West could work together on this. We are willing, but we doubt the West is ready to cooperate with us," Mr. Markov says.

"Will it have to take a few more Western ambassadors being killed by the very forces they created before they will listen to us?"

RECOMMENDED: Do you know anything about Russia? A quiz.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Farmers Insurance Open 2013 scores: Tiger Woods finishes 4-under ...

Tiger Woods was steady on Thursday, playing the South Course at Torrey Pines in 4-under to finish in the top 20 at the Farmers Insurance Open.

It was a solid start to the 2013 PGA Tour season for Tiger Woods, who finished his opening round of the Farmers Insurance Open at 4-under. Woods was composed and steady through much of his round, working his way around the South Course at Torrey Pines in 68. He's three shots back of co-leaders Brandt Snedeker and K.J. Choi.

Woods had an up-and-down front nine, hitting wayward drives left on his first three holes. He made a mess of the fourth, hitting his approach shot into the gallery, and then three-putting for double-bogey. But Woods stormed back from that slip-up, playing the final five holes of his front nine in 5-under. His work out of the sand trap saved him on three separate occasions, specifically on No. 6 when he rolled in a bunker shot for eagle to get back into red figures.

Woods would cool down a bit on the back side, coming in with a 36. He carded back-to-back birdies on No. 13 and No. 14, but gave those two shots back with bogeys on No. 15 and No. 17. It was looking like he may drop another shot on the par-5 18th, but he got up-and-down out of the bunker behind the green to save par and finish 4-under. He was a perfect four-for-four in sand saves.

It's a solid score for Woods, who now gets the much shorter and easier North Course on Friday. That's where the eventual champions at this tourney almost always go low, and Woods can certainly build on his 68 from the tougher South Course on Thursday. After the round, he said the conditions were perfect for a good number there. He'll want a number in the mid-60s tomorrow to set himself up for the weekend and a potential eighth victory at this event.

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Why I'm Glad My Smartphone Broke

Why I'm Glad My Smartphone BrokeIn November, I dropped my iPhone 4 while running and the screen broke. My first instinct was to go and buy the new iPhone 5, but before doing that, I decided to have go without a smartphone for at least a month to find out how much I really depended on it.

I've been a smartphone user for about 5 years. I started with the iPhone 3, grew to the 3GS and later to the 4. I was well on my way to get the 5, when my 4 broke. Looking back, I appreciate that it broke.


In contemporary life with smartphones and computers, we're always connected. During waking hours I was available on Facebook, Twitter, Email, iMessage, my phone, Hipchat, Skype, and in person. Although I disabled push notifications early on, I was still present most places. A few spare minutes would usually result in checking my email, Twitter, and Facebook. I was a little bit everywhere, all the time. But not truly anywhere.

Without the temptation available from my pocket, I feel like I am more present being wherever I am. Now I was certainly no addict, but it's led to a small freedom I encourage you to experience. I've realized that not being constantly plugged in has notable benefits. When I am not on my computer, only my immediate friends and coworkers will be able to reach me by phone. My smartphone helped fill little voids of time with mindless entertainment and shifted me away from the context of whatever I just did and was about to do, silently replacing what I see as mandatory reflection. This context switching I found to play a larger role than I thought. It's been rewarding to indulge more into my own thoughts and reflections, in lieu of attempting to occupy every gap of time with Angry Birds, news, and tweets.


I had a few concerns when I went back to my Nokia brick:

No camera. While I've never taken many pictures, I liked my sporadic Instagram posts. When I go traveling, I've always liked to have just a dozen pictures to reflect back on the trip. Perhaps it's time I just borrow a camera when I go traveling. Or just use none at all. I will figure this out when I go traveling in the summer.

No music. Frequently when I walk, I like to have music in my ears to ease the experience. However, I decided not to buy an iPod. Since I got rid of my iPhone, I have definitely missed this, however, most of the time when I really want music, I'm sitting down, able to use my computer. I found that walking to school without music wasn't scary at all. Just as I started running without music a good year before my iPhone broke?it gets you out of your bubble and lets you experience your surroundings. Of course, sometimes it's nice to just leave yourself out. Currently, I have no plans to buy an iPod.

No maps. I used Maps on my iPhone a lot?when visiting friends, traveling, and using public transport. My sense of direction is decent, so I thought getting back into relying on myself and improve these capabilities wouldn't be so terrible. I've found that having no GPS in my pocket requires more planning. Generally it has not been a problem. In foreign countries where I need this the most, I use physical maps anyhow, since data costs are still ridiculous. There's usually nothing wrong with asking a stranger or calling whoever you are visiting anyway.

Unexpected Discoveries

3 months of using an old phone led to some more unexpected discoveries.

I've started calling people more. On an iPhone, texting is extremely convenient. Since I switched to my ancient Nokia phone, I've found myself calling people more simply because it's more accommodating. It's funny how little I called people on my iPhone, and how surprised parts of my generation is when they receive a call. I have rediscovered the core functions of my phone, by indulging in pleasant conversations with people I used to just text, improved arrangements and generally had more fun communicating.

I don't care for my phone anymore. I just drop it into a pocket in my bag and go. This means I carry nothing in my pockets anymore. I have nothing to distract myself, and for odd reasons, that makes me feel free. No longer do I have to check where my phone is before going to sleep. I just don't care for it, since it's not an expensive item anymore that shouldn't get scratches. The fewer things I have to worry about, the better.

My concerns were mostly right, but I can live without these things. The concerns listed in the previous sections were right. I do miss having a camera, I do miss music, and I do miss maps. However, I also found that I can live without these things. That appeals to me, and is a major pro for me. It's handy to have all these things in one device, but for now, the pros outweigh the cons for me.

Not Going Back...For Now

Currently I do not see any convincing reason for me to go back to getting a smartphone. It was funny to observe how natural it feels to have such a powerful device always in your pocket, and how dependent I was on it. How natural it would have felt to pitch in $1000 for a new phone. In many ways, a smartphone has become a mandatory extension of the mind. But I feel it has had no major impact on my life to leave it behind. I have come to deeply enjoy to being completely plugged out when I am not at my computer. I enjoy not always being up to date, and not having one more expensive item to worry about. It is a small temptation in your pocket that can make you lose focus on the people you're around. Only charging my phone every second weekend is an amazing feat too. I challenge you to ditch your smartphone for a month and write about it.

Why I'm glad my iPhone broke | Sirupsen

Simon H?rup Eskildsen is a student, Ruby developer, and competitive programmer. He loves walruses, optimizing, and simplifying things. Follow him on Twitter @sirupsen.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Facebook Saved Your Searches: How To Delete Your Stalking ...

Facebook Stalking
Who have you been creeping on lately?

Have you been creeping on an ex? Find out how to erase your stalking history.

Not that you ever Facebook stalk exes or cute guys you met at the bar, but for the times you?accidentally?typed in their names, the social network has taken note and archived all of your searches. Thanks, Facebook!

More from YourTango: 6 Unusual Gender Norms Around The World

While the social network says these searches are only available to you, it's still may be unsettling to see how many times you've looked up your ex.

Feeling like a creep as you think about your most searches? Well, Facebook might be an even bigger creep for saving them, but luckily there's a way to delete them.

Head over to The Stir to erase your Facebook stalking history:?Facebook Saves All Your Creepy Stalker Searches, But Here's How to Delete Them.

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Stopping smoking reduces risk of bacterial pneumonia in people with HIV

Jan. 22, 2013 ? Bacterial pneumonia is one of the commonest and most serious infections occurring in people infected with HIV.? A metanalysis of cohort and case control studies published in BioMed Central?s open access journal BMC Medicine finds that current smokers with HIV were at double the risk of bacterial pneumonia than non-smoking counterparts, but that when people stopped smoking their risk was reduced.

The metanalysis reanalysed the data of several thousand participants with HIV, from 14 studies based in USA, Europe and South Africa. Overall it appeared that current smoking was associated with a 70-100% increase in risk of bacterial pneumonia, compared to non-smokers, but that stopping smoking decreased this by about a third. This was independent of CD4 count or antiretroviral therapy.

Prof Paul Aveyard, from University of Oxford who led the study explained that, ?Antiretroviral treatment means that people with HIV can have a normal life expectancy. However they still have substantially increased health risks compared to the general population, including risk of pneumonia. Our results show that smokers with HIV have twice the risk of bacterial pneumonia, but that stopping smoking can reduce this risk. In order to prevent this potentially life threatening lung disease we believe that smoking cessation programs should be? promoted as part of HIV treatment.?

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BioMed Central Limited, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Preeti De, Amanda Farley, Nicola Lindson and Paul Aveyard. Systematic review and meta-analysis: influence of smoking cessation on incidence of pneumonia in HIV. BMC Medicine, 2013 [link]

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Defense of Immigration-Enforcement Discretion: The Legal and ...

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

CEO Peter Chou talks about HTC's future

HTC CEO Peter Chou

It's no secret that HTC's worldwide market share in smartphones is small -- and declining -- but CEO Peter Chou seems optimistic for the future of the Taiwanese manufacturer. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Chou expressed that although HTC has been outpaced in smartphones by the likes of Samsung and Apple since 2010, the worst is behind the company now. With international market share of about 2.2-percent, the numbers just don't reflect the high-quality products Android OEM has to offer. HTC's relatively small size and cash holdings put it at a disadvantage to the larger companies out there, but the Chou explains that a refocusing on proper marketing -- with a new marketing chief -- will be the key to improvement in 2013.

"Although we don't have as much money to counter [Samsung and Apple], the most important thing is to have unique products that appeal to consumers."

The quote from Mr. Chou fits with what many HTC fans have been saying continuously, but unfortunately the general consumer market hasn't reflected that. He hopes that the upcoming changes and reorganizations (no specifics given) inside the company will let it react quicker to changing markets to bring more compelling products to consumers in the future.

Source: WSJ


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Law Office of Brodsky & Smith, LLC Announces ... - Herald Online

? /PRNewswire/ --?Law office of Brodsky & Smith, LLC announces that it is investigating potential claims against the Board of Directors of Duff & Phelps Corporation ("Duff & Phelps" or the "Company") (NYSE: DUF) relating to the proposed acquisition by a consortium including The Carlyle Group, Stone Point Capital LLC, Pictet & Cie and Edmond de Rothschild Group.

Under the terms of the transaction, Duff & Phelps shareholders will receive only $15.55 in cash for each Duff & Phelps stock they own. The investigation concerns possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of state law by the Board of Directors of Duff & Phelps for not acting in the Company's shareholders' best interests in connection with the sale process. The transaction may undervalue the Company and will result in loss for many long term Duff & Phelps shareholders. For example Duff & Phelps stock traded at $16.20 as recently as April 25, 2012 and $17.64 on February 1, 2011. In addition, the price being offered is below an analyst price target for Duff & Phelps stock.

If you own shares of Duff & Phelps stock and wish to discuss the legal ramifications of the proposed transaction, or have any questions, you may e-mail or call the law office of Brodsky & Smith, LLC who will, without obligation or cost to you, attempt to answer your questions.? You may contact Jason L. Brodsky, Esquire or Evan J. Smith, Esquire at Brodsky & Smith, LLC, Two Bala Plaza, Suite 602, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004, by e-mail at visiting, by calling toll free 877-LEGAL-90.

SOURCE Law Office of Brodsky & Smith, LLC


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Great Tips For More Self Improvement Success | Life Coach Network

Beginning your quest to develop yourself can sometimes be difficult. There are also many facets to this. Examples of how you can better yourself are eating a healthier diet, or brushing up on your manners. The variety of ways in which you can improve yourself is nearly endless. Once you have started a new program of self-improvement, you will begin to look and feel better in a way that will be immediately apparent to others.

Write up a motivational speech for yourself. List all your great attributes on an index card. Have it with you at all times, and look at it when you want some inspiration. You can also read it and record it on video, and watch it often. ?Why would I want to do this??, you may be asking.

Tell other people positive things. Being nice to others will help you learn to be nicer to yourself.

Search for the texts and literature that encourage and inspire you. It can be anything that inspires, ranging from a scripture text to a book of sage advice. A tangible piece of writing to which you can return again and again can be comforting and encouraging.

Exercise is not only for people wanting to lose weight. There are many other benefits from regular exercise. Not only does it keep your body in good shape, but it also causes your body to release chemicals that will increase your happiness levels.

TIP! Don?t worry so much. The scenarios in your mind that are caused by worrying are just that, only in your mind.

You should shoot to be the best at whatever it is that you do. Follow your passion to the greatest possible aspirations. Even though being the very best at what you do is out of the reach of most people, everyone can try to be an inspirational success in their particular field. Improve your net value in your field, and this will boost your confidence.

Always have the attitude that you are worth it when working on your personal development plan. You owe yourself nothing less than the very best. When all is said and done, you know that what was done was all that you could do, and you won?t have any regrets.

Your approach to life should be modest and wise. There are lessons to be learned from everyday situations; learn to accept the things you have no control over in your life. You will be less likely to bit off more than you can chew if you remain modest. Wisdom allows you to make better future choices based on past experiences.

TIP! Always look for new challenges. When you face a challenge, you can find more possibilities in life.

One good tip when you are looking into personal development opportunities is to respect your body. If you feel thirsty, hungry, etc., you need to correct that issue right away. By doing that, your body will perform better later on in the future. Ignore what your body tells you at your own peril. If you let it down over and over again, it may get its revenge by letting you down.

No matter what it is you need, and what you are going to do to get it, there is something that every person on this planet must do in their lifetime. No matter what other steps you take, the one critical decision you must make is to be active in your life, not a bystander. Don?t just be a bystander in life; take charge, and be in control of your life.

You have hopefully found a few new tips on self improvement in this article. You can use them and many others to get started today. Age doesn?t matter, you can always develop your habits to make yourself a much better person to both yourself and others.


Tags: personal development


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Friday, January 4, 2013

Clinton leaves hospital after treatment for clot

FILE - In this Nov. 14, 2012 file photo, U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a news conference at the annual Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations in Perth, Australia. Clinton was released from a New York hospital on Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 three days after doctors discovered a blood clot in her head. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, Pool, File)

FILE - In this Nov. 14, 2012 file photo, U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a news conference at the annual Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations in Perth, Australia. Clinton was released from a New York hospital on Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 three days after doctors discovered a blood clot in her head. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, Pool, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was released from a New York hospital on Wednesday, three days after doctors discovered a blood clot in her head.

Clinton's medical team advised her Wednesday evening that she was making good progress on all fronts and said they are confident she will fully recover, said Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines. Doctors had been treating Clinton with blood thinners to dissolve a clot in a vein that runs through the space between the brain and the skull behind the right ear.

"She's eager to get back to the office," Reines said in a statement, adding that the secretary and her family are grateful for the excellent care she received at New York-Presbyterian Hospital.

Reines said details of when Clinton will return to work will be clarified in the coming days.

Clinton had been in the hospital since Sunday, when doctors discovered the clot on an MRI test during a follow-up exam stemming from a concussion she suffered earlier in December. While at home battling a stomach virus, Clinton had fainted, fallen and struck her head, a spokesman said.

"Grateful my Mom discharged from the hospital and is heading home," the secretary's daughter, Chelsea, wrote on Twitter. "Even more grateful her medical team (is) confident she'll make a full recovery."

Earlier Wednesday, the State Department said Clinton had been speaking by telephone with staff in Washington and reviewing paperwork while in the hospital.

"She's been quite active on the phone with all of us," said State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.

Before being released from the hospital, Clinton was photographed Wednesday getting into a black van with her husband, Bill, Chelsea and a security contingent to be taken elsewhere on the sprawling hospital campus. The last time Clinton had been seen publicly was on Dec. 7.

Clinton's physicians had said Monday that there was no neurological damage but that they planned to keep her in the hospital while they established the proper dose for the blood thinners. They said Clinton, 65, had been in good spirits and was engaging with doctors, family and aides.

Sidelined by her illness for most of December, Clinton was absent on Dec. 21 when President Barack Obama nominated Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., to succeed her when she steps down at the start of Obama's second term, as had long been planned. The illness also forced to cancel scheduled testimony before Congress about a scathing report into the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, although she could still testify in the future.

"She has said that she is open" to going before Congress, Nuland said Wednesday, while Clinton was still hospitalized. "We are working with them now on their schedule, because there's also a question of when they are going to be in."

Clinton had expected to return to work this week and had already started to resume regular phone contact with her foreign counterparts. On Saturday, the day before the clot was discovered, Clinton had a half-hour conversation with Lakhdar Brahimi, the U.N. envoy to Syria, in which the two discussed the state of affairs in that country, her spokeswoman said.

Also on Saturday, Clinton spoke by telephone with Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim Al Thani, discussing recent developments in Syria, Afghanistan and the Palestinian territories.

The illness has also raised questions about Clinton's political future and how her health might influence her decision about whether to run for president in 2016, as prominent Democrats have been urging her to consider.

Clinton suffered from a blood clot in 1998, midway through her husband's second term as president, although that clot was located in her knee.


Associated Press writer Matthew Lee contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Sorting stem cells: Scientists propose a new way to isolate early stage embryonic stem cells

Jan. 3, 2013 ? When an embryonic stem cell is in the first stage of its development it has the potential to grow into any type of cell in the body, a state scientists call undifferentiated. A team of researchers from Scotland has now demonstrated a way to easily distinguish undifferentiated embryonic stem cells from later-stage stem cells whose fate is sealed.

The results are published in the American Institute of Physics' (AIP) journal Biomicrofluidics.

The researchers used an electric field to pull stem cells through a fluid in a process called dielectrophoresis. They varied the frequency of the voltage used to generate the electric field and studied how the cells moved, a response that was affected by the cell's electrical properties. The researchers found that differentiated stem cells could store a significantly greater charge on their outer membranes, a characteristic that might be used to effectively identify and separate them from undifferentiated cells.

The researchers write that the wrinkling, folding, and thinning of a cell's membrane as it differentiates may explain why the later-stage cells can store more charge. The sorting method may prove useful in separating cells for biomedical research or ultimately for treatments of diseases such as Parkinson's.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Institute of Physics (AIP), via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Srinivas Velugotla, Steve Pells, Heidi K. Mjoseng, Cairnan R. E. Duffy, Stewart Smith, Paul De Sousa, Ronald Pethig. Dielectrophoresis based discrimination of human embryonic stem cells from differentiating derivatives. Biomicrofluidics, 2012; 6 (4): 044113 DOI: 10.1063/1.4771316

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Gene Bullard, C'est Moi! - a play inspired by the life of a black victor ...

BULLARD. Strange music maybe at a time like this, but I don't believe ole Noble Sissle singing and Jimmy Europe's Harlem Hellfighters Band is exactly wrong now. Yep, Eugene Jacques Bullard, me, has up and died here in Harlem. Sonofabitching cancer! I tried hard to fight it, but what bothered me most was when all my friends came by and didn't know what to say. Tried to cheer 'em some, but I guess when you're popular like me there's not much to say.

DICKSON. (Speaking with an exaggerated Southern accent from behind BULLARD.) That's right, and pickaninny heroes maybe eat some of that nice ole watermelon before pickin' a bunch of cotton for de massa.

(BULLARD spins around to face DICKSON, who laughs and slaps him hard on the back. KISLING shakes his head in mock disapproval.)

BULLARD. Oh, God, my favorite cracker! Hi you, Jeff?

DICKSON. My favorite Negro! And Mo?se, he's not even from Mississippi!

BULLARD. I bet you the leadin' red-neck of Paris, you ole yokel. Jefferson Davis Dickson from Natchez, Mississippi. Wooey! With a name like that, Mo?se, this here lame excuse is nothin' but a noisy ole red-neck.

KISLING. Don't know what that is, but never thought you dishonest, Gene.

BULLARD. You hear that now, Jeff Dickson? You are the original red-neck of Paris.

DICKSON. True as hell, by God! Do I deny it? I do not.

KISLING. Yeah, Jeff, you haven't heard what this hero fool of ours is doing next. Getting shot all to hell in the Legion's not good enough. He's going to fly with a bunch of idiot Americans.

DICKSON. He what?

BULLARD. That's right, Jeff ole boy. I am going to be un aviateur pour la France.


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California lawyer gives up home to homeless family for a year | theGrio

A California lawyer is giving up his fully-furnished home in Los Angeles for a homeless family to live in for a year, according to the New York Daily News.

Tony Tolbert, 51, says that his act of kindness just feels like the right thing to do.

?You don?t have to be Bill Gates or Warren Buffet or Oprah,? Tolbert told CBS News.??We can do it wherever we are, with whatever we have, and for me, I have a home that I can make available.?

Tolbert will move back in with his mother for the year and continue working. It was in his mother?s house that Tolbert says he learned to be a giving and caring young man.

Growing up Tolbert says that his father always lent the family?s spare bedroom to someone in need.

Tolbert?s dad now suffers from Alzheimer?s disease, but the lessons his dad taught him stuck with Tolbert.

?He is so giving, he?s always been that way,? Tony?s mom, Marie Tolbert, told CBS News.

Tolbert found the family he is giving his house up to in a local shelter. He met Felicia Dukes, who was broke and having a hard time providing for four children. The oldest child wasn?t even allowed to stay at the shelter that was only for children and women.

Dukes couldn?t believe the fate that she had suddenly been afforded when she was initially told.

?They had a young man that wanted to donate their house to you for a year,? she recalled. ?And I?m looking at her, like, what? Like ? Are you serious??

Dukes? family would be able all live together once again and get back on their feet.

?My heart just fills up,? Dukes said. ?I?m just really happy.?

Tolbert says ultimately he hopes his story encourages others to give and think about others more than themselves.

?Kindness creates kindness. Generosity creates generosity. Love creates love,? Tolbert said.??And I think if we can share some of that and have more stories about people doing nice things for other people, and fewer stories about people doing horrible things to other people, that?s a better world.?

Follow Marquise Francis on Twitter?@mKfly


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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Walt Mossberg Look Ahead to 2013 - Talk Gets Cheaper, TV Gets ...

Personal technology never stops changing. Some new products and services are game changers, like Apple?s iPhone and iPad. Others are clever twists or refinements, like each successive version of Google?s Android platform, which gets better and better. Others are bold gambles, like Microsoft?s new Windows 8, which hopes to combine both a tablet experience and a traditional PC environment in one operating system. But there?s always something new, from large companies and small ones.

So here are a few things consumers will likely see in technology in 2013. Many of these began to take shape in the past year, but will be stronger trends in the new year.

Tablets vs. PCs

While the iPad line, including the new Mini, continues to dominate the tablet market, Android-based tablets are finally gaining traction. But the bigger story is that tablets will continue to erode the role of laptop PCs.

Consumers are using tablets for more and more tasks formerly performed by laptops. Traditional computers aren?t going away?they still do certain tasks, like heavy content creation, better than tablets. But consumers seem, at the very least, to be replacing their laptops less often and spending discretionary funds on tablets, which are gradually replacing another device: the dedicated e-reader. Many analysts had expected Windows 8 to halt or reverse this trend, and it may yet do so. But early indications aren?t encouraging for that outcome.

Integrating Hardware and Software

Meanwhile, another big trend is emerging: Apple?s model of one company making the entire device?hardware, operating system, core apps and an online ecosystem?is beginning to take hold elsewhere. In October, Microsoft unveiled its first computer, the Surface tablet. The company will follow it up as soon as this month with a second, more powerful version. I wouldn?t be surprised if Microsoft also made its own smartphone this year.

Google is also moving in Apple?s direction. It now sells three devices?a smartphone and two tablets?under its Nexus brand. These products are built by partner companies, but designed by Google. Now that Google owns its own hardware company, Motorola Mobility, I expect it to get deeper into the integrated model. Motorola, freshly stocked with former Google executives, is reported to be building advanced new hardware devices tightly integrated with Android.

Rethinking Television

Samsung and others already make TVs that can connect to the Internet, and stream Internet video and run tablet-type apps, without any special set-top box. But I find them clumsy, and their ?smart TV? functions haven?t taken off with consumers yet. This may be the year they do.

The biggest expectation is that Apple, which has been working hard on the problem, will finally unveil its long-rumored TV this year, with the goal of greatly simplifying the TV and smoothly melding Internet and cable content. Many, including me, thought it might appear in 2012, but the company reportedly ran into difficulties in negotiating with media companies for content rights. Meanwhile, Apple?s tiny, $99 Apple TV box, while still a relatively small seller, is gaining popularity, partly because the company has built into its laptops, tablets and phones a feature called AirPlay which can use an Apple TV box to wirelessly stream audio and video to a TV.

Cheaper Smartphones and Plans

Smartphones are everywhere in the developed world, but most are still expensive?around $200 after a carrier subsidy that requires a two-year contract. And the monthly service fees can easily approach or exceed $100, especially if you use a lot of data, which is the very essence of a smartphone?s purpose.

There are already some smartphones, usually older, less capable or less popular models, available for $99 or $49 or even free with a contract. But I expect to see better smartphones at lower prices in 2013, especially those running the dominant Android platform, and the handsome, but low-selling Windows Phone platform from Microsoft.

In addition, some companies are beginning to offer really cheap monthly plans. One example: Republic Wireless, which offers unlimited voice, text and data for $19 a month on a small, Android phone, the Motorola Defy XT, using older software that has been modified to make voice calls where possible over Wi-Fi instead of a costlier carrier network.

Costlier, Better Music Players

Audiophiles and recording artists have never much liked the compressed music files that now fill every iPod and smartphone. They complain that the richness of the original recording is lost because the song files are optimized for minimum space and download time, and because they are often made from CDs, not from the master studio tapes.

So in 2013, there will be a push to sell a new kind of portable music player that can handle high quality music. The Korean electronics company, iRiver, has introduced the Astell & Kern AK100, a $700 player that can play much higher fidelity digital music. The legendary rocker Neil Young is backing a second venture, Pono, which is doing something similar. In addition to the price, there?s another downside: The files can be 10 to 20 times as large as standard digital songs, so many fewer tracks fit in a given amount of memory.

Fitness and Health Monitors

In 2012, sensor-packed wristbands like the Nike+ FuelBand and the Jawbone Up were introduced to measure how many steps people take in a day, how well they sleep, and other indicators of health and fitness. I expect this trend to continue in 2013, in different forms and with more sophisticated sensors. One new product, the Basis, is a watch with sensors on the back that measures resting heart rate. All of these devices tie into mobile apps or Web-based dashboards to track progress and offer advice.

Internet-Controlled Everything

Another trend I expect to see in 2013 is an expansion of apps and devices that let people wirelessly control many everyday objects, from light bulbs to appliances, using low-powered networks and smartphones or tablets. And we?ll likely see more smart devices with such intelligence built in, similar to the Nest intelligent thermostat, which is Wi-Fi powered.

These are just a few of the trends likely to mark the consumer tech landscape in 2013. Others will also be prominent, most notably the continued reliance on the cloud, or remote servers, to store content and work collaboratively. One thing is sure: There are certain to be developments that will surprise us all, and can?t be forecast here.

Email Walt at


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Is This The Most Spoiled Girl In Britain? Meet Gina Rio, The 23-year-old Who Lives At The Savoy Hotel

Most twentysomethings have long been dropped from their parents' pocket money payroll.

But one - who some are calling the most spoiled woman in Britain - still receives a massive 10,000 pound payout each month from her mother - and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Gina Rio, 23, who lives in a suite at the five star Savoy hotel despite owning a house in London's King's Cross, is handed the money by her mother, Theresa, who took over the monthly payments after Gina fell out with her father, a successful businessman, in 2003 and he stopped the 20,000 pound allowance he used to provide.

Read the whole story at

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